Reviews (13)

  • I watched it with doubt about the film; I have got a free ticket to watch it. I would have paid if I knew it was this good.

    Every sequence is delivered at exciting pacing, they don't overstay their welcome to become boring.

    The direction of the film is detailed, and carefully crafted. I am new to this director, apparently she is master at her work. Bravo to her.

    The plot of the film is about a suicide case (or not) where the wife is accused of killing; there are not enough evidence to prove either way. As an audience I could not predict that ending which was a satisfying experience.

    If you are wondering if it's a good movie; it's actually great.

    Mark my word; it will be nominated for at least for one category.
  • I think they went easy on Kathlyn Kennedy and justifying why the recent movies were bad, it was not her fault; because she was angry at all hate comments she had received from people like Cartman and it somehow made her to turn everything int "diverse".

    I am not sure if I agree on the argument, regardless this is so not South Park; now I feel bad for Barbara Streisand.

    Kathlyn Kennedy's character has an arc and a good one, so does Cartman. It felt like Disney had some kind of effect on their choices of criticism of Disney.

    Where is the Micky Mouse? I wanted the Micky Mouse who dealt with Jonas bros and started Covid 19.

    I Still love South Park and hopefully we get something brutal next time.
  • Lupin ( Assane ) is a master thief, a master hacker, a master fighter and of course great with chicks. He does not have any weaknesses, perhaps one or two which are not significant. He has been working for 20+ years on his skills to solve one problem which is proving that his Dad was innocent. He is ahead every person, the police and criminals alike. Reminds you of anyone? Sherlock? Batman? But way more smarter and without any psychological issues. Not a great character if you ask my opinion.

    The plots have many holes in the story, everything happens because it happens, it's not realistic but has many twists and turns. If you enjoy those beats and don't want to question "How or why or it could have been different" and want to enjoy the ride, it's fun. The camera works are pretty fun I think. Other than that it's a typical show, nothing unique or memorable about it.

    The characters such as the police officers are childish and incompetent. The women are easily woed by Lupin's big smile. Speaking of smile, Lupin has only two faces in the whole show; being serious or being charming, no fear, no discomfort, no pain.
  • It's not only a masterpiece cinematically, and visually but also it gives tribute to authenticity of Native American culture, specifically Osage tribe.

    The actors Leo, De Niro and Lily Gladstone play the characters so well. The visuals look stunning and rich. The natural places are captured in great details; the camera work is without a doubt a masterpiece.

    Some of the editing tools that they used were breathtaking.

    The plot even though longer ( could have been shorter ) was justified with great performances with great guest actors such as Plemons and Fraser. Fraser plays a corrupt lawyer that surprisingly looks stunning.

    The story is about a mysterious cases of murders of Osage family ( The richest family in the world back then ); Earnest ( Leo), Bill ( De Niro ) are linked directly to this mystery. Not to spoil the key points of the plot; They both play the bad guys.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    South Park episodes are really creative that not only make a certain point but also telling a great story. Towelie is the towel that gets high. Well this time he tries to write a book while he was high. Towelie's story is cut and the story of Gary and Mingy Oprah's both private holes, a hilarious twist.

    The story continues on, that the holes are tired of not being, for the lack of better word, screwed. They plot to reveal the identity of Towelie as a towel, now that he is famous author and presented himself as a human.

    I don't want to talk about the plot more, I think it has worse reviews not only it does not have the boys and the Dads, but it also drags on too much on the glory holes. A funny episode, definitely worth watching specially if you want to smoke weed and laugh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is my first film of Kurosawa to watch, expecting something and it was something else. It's a movie that's cared for, passion for the art of cinema is visible in every frame of the movie.

    The story is about a King who chooses his eldest son from three sons as his heir. The incidents that follows turns him into a mad man, his sons want power and pride and he just wants to retire and dies in peace. The opposite happens, everyone dies. This is an over simplification of the plot and story. It deals with many topics such as pride, lust, treason, power and however life was during 16th century.

    The only reason I gave 9 is because I wanted to be a story of success and triumph, success is not always warranted. I wanted any of the character to rise beyond the tragedy of life. It's a thoughtful film about life, during production of the film his wife and best friend die. It was a personal film of Mr. Kurosawa, if you love the art of cinema, give it a try, it won't disappoint.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The episode is about a woman whose life is being made into a show which is made by AI.

    Since she signed terms and agreement for a streaming service, lol.

    I mentioned South Park, Kyle got his mouth attached to a guy's ass and got his ass attached to a woman's mouth.

    The comparison is that this episode is not funny or dramatic. It's as if it's not written by Charlie Brooker but an AI.

    It's vanilla, every scene was blunt and lifeless.

    Wasted the chance of working with beautiful beautiful Salma, and Annie. I wanted it to be a Black Mirror show instead it was a soap opera.

    The good thing about the episode? Nothing really. I am huge fan of the show, but this one is just AWFUL.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The power of empathy and the power of being a victim.

    This episode (similar to episodes that dealt with the depression of Stan) is about mental health and the power of empathy. Kyle's is missing games session with the boys because his little brother Ike is using the computer watching the vidoes of the Queen of Canada and is mourning for her( FYI Ike is Canadian and so am I lol). Kyle feels left out and in order to feel good he works hard image through victim mentality. He feels victim of his brother (family) and prince and his wife making all the noise ( the world ). Unfortunately he becomes further away from his friends.

    Then he learns empathy and allows others (Ike) to feel whatever he wants to feel, and allows himself to feel whatever he feels without caring too much about others opinion. The lesson? Empathize and remind ourselves that we are only human and others are humans too.

    On the other side, the princess stays in the victim mentality and the prince does not ( we all knew that somehow though)
  • South Park has done it again with playing sensitive topics such as race, religion and of course Kanye appearing Cartman's little angel as Cupid Ye and dividing Kyle and Tolkien because Cupid's intentions are to be a good christian. This definitely with stands with Trapped in Closet and 200 and 201. Genius and hilarious.

    I don't understand some negative review about this episode, this is pure South Park. Randy talking about woke movies and Avatar 2 is funny as hell.

    Cartman being Cartman with personality disorders and hate for Kyle and you know people like Kyle. The episode worth the wait seriously. Enjoy.
  • This was more of redemption and how he regretted what he did to Chuck, Howard, and Kim. It was difficult to pull off because Saul was never honest with his emotions and almost always lied about it. The writers did an amazing job to show his redemption.

    Seeing Mike, Walt and Marie was a treat and it was masterfully included.

    I just hope for another Vince Universe. What a Ride, Farewell. Thank You.
  • This delivers as best you could ask for from BCS and Vince. I was at awe of every scene, Kim's arc and redemption ( A little bit at least), Saul's inevitable downfall. Godfather like episode, if the cast and crew do not win most of the Emmy's, I will be surprised.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a spoilable episode, it amazingly shows that how Howard's death is the final blow to this overall personality, Kim's retirement and their break up.

    On the other hand, Gus easily convinces Eladio that Hector is just old and can't be taken seriously .All the pieces of the puzzle fit for Gus's innocence.

    Mike's heartache from the promise he made to Nacho, and deep down he regrets doing all these after meeting papa Varga.

    You have to see it to enjoy it, it cannot be spoiled because this episode is a piece of art, it must experienced.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Main Spoiler Moment!!!

    Our beloved TV character dies in an intense and heroic way. I could not believe my eyes, I was expecting a very different story line to Nacho. We all wished him similar fate as Jesse. But we can't trust Vince can we? This seem justified ( as TV moment ), and sad ( as a character). Hank's death and Nacho's death hit so hard.

    I just can't wait how Lalo's, Kim's, and Gene's story end.