
IMDb member since January 2005
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National Theatre Live: Frankenstein

Saw it again last night with the reverse cast
Last night I saw the second screening of Frankenstein. The movie theatre showed the play twice, two weeks apart, the first time with Benedict Cumberbatch as the Creature, the second time with Jonny Lee Miller as the Creature.

Since it was my second time watching the play I was really interested to see how the different actors would interpret the monster. JLM initially interpreted the monster initially hesitant and drooling, basing his on monster his two year old son. BC based his monster on stroke victims, so less drolling but also less overall control of his limbs. Amazing how the same yet different.

I'd have to say, after watching both castings, I am slightly biased towards Jonny Lee Miller as the better monster and Benedict Cumberbatch the better Doctor. The play started with the creature "being born" and then learning to walk. When BC played the monster, that was the only part of the play I didn't like. BC took nearly 20 minutes of flopping around the stage, which was very "arty" but a bit too long. For JLM his beginning was much shorter, which I appreciated, as it brought the rest of the fantastic dialogue in sooner. (Or maybe I was just more prepared for the opening this time around).

For myself it was the scene with just the monster and the doctor talking in the mountain cave that was phenomenal with this casting! When the monster asks the doctor to make him a bride, Jonny Lee Miller brought such a "theatrical" flare to the creature, it reminded me of both Shakespeare and Phantom of the Opera. BC as the neurotic doctor was spot on as you could almost follow his decent into madness.

I hope they end up putting this filming out on DVD just so I can rewatch this over and over (They probably won't, but I can dream!) So well done!

Sougen no chiisana tenshi busshu beibii

Adorable TV Show
I vaguely remember this TV show but it still something about it stood out for me. It was about a little girl in Africa that has adopted a pet Bush Baby (a bush baby is one of the smallest primates, about the size of a squirrel. With its large round eyes and big ears, the bush baby is one of the most peculiar looking animals of the African bush. Bush babies are easy to catch, & several African tribes keep them as pets.) Plot Summary: When Jackie Roads, a British girl living in Kenya with her family, finds an ill animal called a Bushbaby, she adopts him, calls him Murphy and nurses him back to health. Murphy, Jackie, her family and their friends go on many adventures involving wild animals, poachers and more. But when Jackie's father is recalled to England, Jackie must leave her life in Africa behind. However, before she can go, Jackie, Murphy and Tembo, a friend of Jackie's father, go on one last adventure: they must cross the dangerous Savannah to escape the poachers and corrupt police officers chasing them. Along the way, Jackie teaches the now domesticated Murphy to survive in the wild, so that, before she leaves, she can release him in his natural habitat.

Chicken Little

Great Film for whole audience this year's Shrek!
I LOVED this Film! It was excellent! I found it comparable to Shrek 2 with it's great use of song to compliment the story line and great cultural references for the older audience. Go see this immediately! You'll fall in love with Fish Out of Water and of Corse Chicken Little. Those in a audience who thought they were "too hip" to be at the screening suddenly joined in, shouting encouragements to the screen, I kid you not! I'm not one to laugh out loud at a film and yet I found myself doing so several times. There is one or 2 scenes that the kiddies might be anxious about but nothing that they can't handle if they sat through Finding Nemo. I think it's a great effort from Disney. Way to go! :)

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