
IMDb member since July 2013
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Really makes you think
I feel really bad for Ben Affleck.

He usually surrounds himself with talented people like Matt Damon, but this association with JLo is just sad.

Think of any other talented actor that could've been cast for this role. So many infinitely better choices.

I can't even point to one thing, as they are all equally bad about this movie and the choice to cast her.

Its like they went to a random project in the Bronx, honked the horn and picked up first aging latina.

Her lack of screen chemistry, lack of acting skills, just overall inappropriate facial expressions (like someone got her name wrong at Starbucks or someone farted on set).

Its just mind-boggling that nobody said anything. Nobody went "bro are you effing high? She sucks!!"

The only good news here is that I did not spend a single penny to see this movie, and in 4K. Still wish my time wasn't wasted though.


Its not great.

Here is where you went wrong:

1. Too much drama. Space, science, and engineering in general is not very tolerant to how you feel about things. It doesn't care for your opinion or your diversity/equity/inclusion. You were short on actual science and technical details and you filled it with pointless drama that everybody hates. Also child actors. Everyone hates child actors.

2. Writing. Plot here is, for the lack of a better word.. confused. Not confusing, I get what you babbling about, but confused. Its just not good.

3. Sense of purpose. It is missing. Its like ask yourself this question - if this happened in real life, would anyone care? Nope.

Die Hard with a Vengeance

Timeless Classic
You know this movie is pretty old and I'm sure others have left some poignant comments by now. As I'm watching this movie I can't help but notice that McClane keeps popping aspirins and proceeds to bleed like a teenage girl throughout the whole movie.

Action, suspense, comedy all fused together and shot beautifully. Camera work is top-notch. The original version also has a juicy use of the N word with a hard R, and this is 1995.

Every scene packs a punch and you'll notice something new every time you watch it. Even in standstill scene like the van the camera is constantly moving, panning, shaking, creating tension and suspense.

Overall this movie is a masterclass in cinematography, even 30 years later.

Madame Web

This is insane.
So I'll start off by saying that I am, in fact, a NYC paramedic. It is always fun to see a writer/director/fluffer on set slap an EMT-Basic patch on a 'medic' in movies and then have those medics respond to car wrecks.

Newsflash, amateurs - medics don't respond to car crashes or wear those ugly patches or wear them on the wrong side. I mean did you even see an FDNY ambulance, ever? You also got the wrong type of ambulances. I mean the whole thing is just offensive if it wasn't so amateurish. Also no bunker gear while crawling through a car? Yeah, you literally have no idea what you doing.

Second part that really got me was the whole NSA thing. You guys are really, really.. really.. REALLY.. bad/lazy writers.

Lastly the directing/ camera work/ exposition/ character development.. its just bad. I've seen NYU film majors make better movies, and they really suck at this.

So in conclusion.. I'm annoyed. I've sat through the first half of the movie literally facepalming, and second half just trying my best to suspend the disbelief, but its just not working. Someone needs to pay for this incompetence.


It is beautiful to see a company waste millions of dollars on child actors, just to end up with a dumpster fire that is appropriately called 'Crater'.

It is beautiful to see a company waste millions of dollars on child actors, just to end up with a dumpster fire that is appropriately called 'Crater'.

It is beautiful to see a company waste millions of dollars on child actors, just to end up with a dumpster fire that is appropriately called 'Crater'.

It is beautiful to see a company waste millions of dollars on child actors, just to end up with a dumpster fire that is appropriately called 'Crater'.


This movie is the first movie in a long time that I can remember that I walked out of.

I was rooting for the lion the whole time, hoping it would tear the girl limb from limb. I was hoping this and thinking to myself "there is no way they made those characters so annoying on purpose". It is just obvious that the director is not that smart to make you sympathize with the lion, and although I haven't seen the ending (I walked out), I'm sure the movie sucked overall because there are only 2 possibilities in the end - the happy Hollywood ending, and the dark and brooding morale where everyone dies.

Clearly based on the character development and unnecessary drama, sprinkled with some of the dumbest plot developments this is a classic Hollywood movie, so the ending is as cliche as everything before it.

I truly hated this movie, and I don't know why anyone would release it.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Wow. I feel cheated out of 16 bucks. This review does not need 150 characters. Movie is super boring, cliche, lazy in planning and execution. Calling it 'amateur hour' would insult all aspiring NYU film students who live and breathe 'amateur hour'. This movie is something else. Its like a modern expose on trolling the masses. You show up thinking it will be a classic RE thing, except first third of the movie sucks, middle part sucks, and last third sucks even more.

Alien Conquest

Bad writing, bad acting, bad filming
What kind of drugs were executives that green lit this movie taking? I want some of that detachment from reality in the face of mediocrity and an utterly terrible movie. I want to be that numb and dumb to a point where nothing matters.

Also, what in the sweet F happened to Sizemore?

Snowpiercer: A Single Trade
Episode 4, Season 2

There are some shows that stick in your memory for a long time, for various reasons. This episode is one of them.


Ahh Hollywood movies. There is something so nice, tender, and predictable about the sequence of events that unfolds.

We start off with the typical protagonist introduction, a boss man doing construction things. But things really kick into high gear when we are introduced to Morena Baccarin running on a treadmill, because you know women - they get fat and they need to exercise like all the time. Then of course she opens her mouth and its the usual women stuff, so you can go get a snack and come back in 5 minutes. They'll include some kid scene that is annoying and cringe for everyone involved, but you are still in the kitchen getting a snack, so its tolerable.

I'm only 10 minutes in but you can tell this movie will end the way it started - predictably, boring, probably large sound effects, a few million in pyrotechnics and more cringe worthy lines. Looking forward to it!

Edit: Yep. It was boring AF.

Stargate Universe

Squandered potential
Chloe's character should've been killed off in first 10 minutes of the show. It would've at least saved the viewers from constant stream of whining, self-pity projection from lazy writers.


Enough with the FBI agents already. They are glorified accountants with a badge. How are these writers and directors getting away with same drivel season after season, clogging up the airways with shows made for teenagers? I actually want to know - in this day and age, who is paying you to peddle this amateur content?

Alien: Covenant

Vastly Disappointing
After 5 years of waiting for Prometheus 2, this flaming turd gets dropped on our doorsteps, and I for one would be tuning out of any future releases.

The story neither continues nor expands on Prometheus, instead its a weird parallel universe where the soldiers are dumb and technologically inferior, supposedly taking place in the same universe as Prometheus but after several years later, which would mean the technology would be more advanced, and yet it is regressed by hundreds of years, from procedures to actual tech.

Frankly I'm not sure why or how the writers did not get slapped with the back of the hand by first guy to read this script. Do people not care anymore?

Extraction Day

So bad
This movie is so morbidly bad, its not even funny. It feels like someone is trying to punk you and see how long you will last watching it.

Everything, and I cant stress this enough - everything - is just horrible in this 'movie'.

Casting, acting, writing, camera work, and music are so bad, its not even funny.

You can only cringe so much until you just press stop and you cant take this insult on your senses any longer.

I don't need any more lines to convey this message.

Pacific Rim

It just plain sucks.
This movie is everything that is wrong with Hollywood "sci-fi" action flicks. It follows a predictable script, characters are no different than in any other blockbuster movie, and even dialog stinks of mediocrity. It was made for children who enjoy flashing colors and explosions. This is not the Independence Day, its just another Transformers movie with same clichés and crappy animations.

This movie is everything that is wrong with Hollywood "sci-fi" action flicks. It follows a predictable script, characters are no different than in any other blockbuster movie, and even dialog stinks of mediocrity. It was made for children who enjoy flashing colors and explosions. This is not the Independence Day, its just another Transformers movie with same clichés and crappy animations.

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