
IMDb member since July 2013
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The Submarine Kid

Great movie!
I came across this movie as a fluke. I watched the trailer on you-tube to see if it would be worth watching - it was. I watched it and the entire movie it had me wondering, it wasn't one of those movies that you could figure out within the first 10 minutes. Its a FANTASTIC movie! I would recommend to anybody. However, there was a ton of language. If you can get past that, you won't regret watching it. I would/will re-watch this movie! It's also eye opening on what soldiers deal with when coming back. This movie does it in a tasteful way. The main actor, Finn, did a fantastic job with his roll. The only thing that didn't make sense in this movie would be the ex-girlfriend. Why do we need her in it? She didn't add anything to the story line (just my two cents).

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