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Renegade Nell

Quite impressed so far! ***UPDATED***
I don't usually get very excited whenever Disney comes up with a new series. Especially in this genre. It usually just turns out to be too polished and too "well behaved". But so far Renegade Nell is surprisingly good! It definitely has been able to keep my attention for the first 3 episodes. The character development seems to be going well and the storyline for sure isn't predictable. It does have that (slight) Disney feeling to it, but not in a bad way. To me this show definitely is a major step in the right direction, because I've been thinking about canceling my subscription for a while now. If they continue to make more shows at this level, I might just decide not to do that. Obviously I haven't watched the entire show yet, but once I'm finished I will give this review an honest update.


I just finished the last episode and I definitely loved it all. Although the story seemed to be completed, I wouldn't mind if they came up with another season! The lead actress is perfect in the role of Nell. She's witty, sharp and sarcastic, but at the same time fair and caring, which is kinda refreshing for a female lead in a story like this. The story may not be as deep and dramatic like - for example - Game of Thrones, but it's quirky, entertaining and executed well enough to get a high rating from me nonetheless. You just can't compare this series with the "big masterpieces", because the target audience for this series is completely different. If you solely prefer dark fantasy with a lot of action, blood and gore, this series will probably disappoint you. But if you also enjoy lighthearted fantasy and British humor in general, you're probably gonna like this. I don't really have any negative remarks. The only thing that SLIGHTLY bothers me, is the lack of backstory in some elements. Like, where did Billy come from? What's up with Roxy's magic? Does George also have a certain gift? And a little more insight on Captain Jackson and the history Nell had with him would've been nice. But if there's gonna be another season, they might still get into some of that. I honestly hope they will, because that would give me a solid reason not to cancel my Disney+ subscription!

One Day

Most toxic thing I've seen since the early 00s
What's up with this series?! It starts off soooooooo slowly, then it just turns into a toxic mess! Where the boy is excused for keeping the girl around, because he likes her, but he's "just not ready for a relationship". It's not cute. And no, he's not in love. That's not love, that's gaslighting and hella childish. The good ratings must be from 10-17 year olds, because no adult in their right mind would think this is actually a good storyline. And if you are an adult who likes this, you must've never really dated anyone... Anyway, 2/10, do not recommend. The two stars are for the female lead and the camera work. That's it.

American Horror Story

Not really sure about this
I almost finished the first season and I don't really understand how this show has a 8.0 rating. Maybe it's because that first season is already 12/13 years old, but the storyline and the overall acting are annoyingly melodramatic. I guess I was expecting something like The Haunting of Hill House, a strong storyline, believable acting, good scares, etc. But AHS Murder House feels like one big horror cliche. The daughter, the little mistress, the guy with the burnt face and many others, are so annoying to watch, because the acting is so bad. I will continue watching the other seasons tho. Maybe the other ones are better...

Good Omens

First season was a 12/10
Second season was like a 4 compared to the first one. The writers completely ruined this amazing and innocent friendship. Apparently the first season is based off a book and the second season was entirely made up afterwards, just to continue the series. I could've lived peacefully without a second season. The first season was SO good and I didn't expect a second season. Was extremely surprised to find out there was a second season tho, only to come to realize that it sucks... and now I feel far from peaceful. This might be the first time in my life that I can actually say that they completely ruined a perfectly good series for me, just because of the directions they took in the storyline.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Just finished the very last episode!
I've been on top of this series right from the moment it premiered. I looked forward to every single season and even set notifications to make sure I wouldn't forget to start watching again once a new season came out. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel did something that not many other series have ever done before, which is getting better and better with every new season! I don't even think I've seen a single episode that bored me. Not even a little! The character building, the actors, the settings, the outfits, the jokes, the storyline, all of it was absolute perfection.

I've told so many people about this series and it amazes me - but equally annoys me - that this series got so little media attention (at least where I'm from). It should've gotten at least as much attention as Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. (Both of which actually DID have several to many episodes that bored the hell out of me, just saying. I didn't even finish The Walking Dead - I mean, who did?! - because at some point the series literally died and kept walking.)

I'm sure some people might not agree with me, but let's be honest; the rating doesn't lie. This series is an absolute and unique piece of art!

About the actors. Rachel Brosnahan did an amazing job as Midge Maisel... but the series wouldn't have been the same without Alex Borstein (Susy Myerson) and Tony Shalhoub (Abe Weissman)! These two take comedy to a whole new level and I love them for it!

Shadow and Bone

Season 2 starts off so slow; the crows carry this series!
Absolutely loved season one and really looked forward to the second season. But, while I couldn't stop binging the first season, I've already paused the second season several times to watch something else and I've only just started watching the third episode! If it wasn't for the crows, I'd probably give up. Alina and Archie bore me so much at this point. I'm reading some mixed reviews here, so I will give it the benefit of the doubt and watch the whole season. But like someone else already mentioned: the crows really do need a spin-off. Without them, this series would be doomed! I'm giving a 7 for now, because I loved the first season, but I might come back and change it once I'm finished and if I have changed my mind by then.


Beautiful remake of the older versions
I actually wanted to watch the 1993 Walt Disney version (which also isn't the original, but it's a classic nonetheless), but stumbled upon this relatively newer German rendition. Decided to give it a go and it definitely did not disappoint me!

The movie doesn't give that "way too smooth, polished, modern" vibe, which often happens when they remake an older movie (and usually does nothing but ruin it). They truly respected the story and only made a couple of minor changes, but without messing up the original storyline. These little extra details and minor differences even make it a little more interesting to watch.

The little girl who plays Heidi does an amazing job and could light up every room with that beautiful smile and the pain and trauma in grandfather's eyes seem so genuine, you just straight up want to give him a hug.

The fact that the movie is in German instead of English gives it a more authentic feel, so it didn't bother me at all. And the shots and settings are stunning. I've always loved the mountains and this movie made me realize that even more. I'm pretty sure I will watch this movie more often in the future and I'd definitely recommend you to watch it too!

Raising Dion

Entertaining enough
It's an entertaining series. Not great, but not bad either. It lacks a certain depth and I've noticed I pause it quite a lot to do something else for a moment, but I still want to know what happens next. And since I don't have anything else to watch rat the moment, this is the best option for now.


How do villains become villains?
I love the fact that Disney shines a light on the backstories of villains. First Maleficent, now Cruella. And don't they deserve it?! People don't get born evil. Life turns them that way. It doesn't really justify anything, but it definitely makes these characters more human. Also, the music in this movie is AMAZING!

Sweet Tooth

It's okay
I really looked forward to this series and I watched it within a few days, but I feel like something is missing. It's an okay series to watch when there's nothing else to see, but I think it lacks a certain depth. I will watch the next season, but mostly because I'm hoping the next season will be a bit stronger. The whole thing was a bit predictable, also because the trailer pretty much showed the whole storyline already, and I feel like they could've done a bit more. Also... what's up with Bobby? It's as if they decided to add him to the story last minute, even though they had reached the limit of their production budget. The overall acting is alright tho... for most of the actors at least. I do recommend watching this, but only if you're in between series and bored.

Sky Rojo

Boo-hoo for the males who expected female nudity and now feel subjected!
Absolutely love these series! Too bad some men can't handle a story with strong female leads who take control over their own lives instead of just getting naked. If you just want to see naked female bodies, go and rewatch Game of Thrones. You don't like the fact that there are some depressing peens on your screen? Well... welcome to our feels. It's about time that they showed some male intimate parts on television, after only showing boobs for years on end. The story is great and has nothing to do with feminism. It's about 3 prostitutes who decide they want to escape the business, but men are trying to force them to get back into it. (Which *SURPRISE* happens in real life all the time!) If you're offended by this, then that's a problem you should probably work on. There's action, there's humor and there's a storyline that keeps your attention. More than enough to be grateful for during this pandemic, in which Netflix hasn't really released that much good stuff.


So bad, it's good!
If you enjoyed Sharknado, you're gonna love this! :') I must say that the overall acting and special effects are slightly better than Sharknado, but they're still not great. (Okay, they're pretty bad, just not THAT bad.) However, I don't think you can blame the actors, cause the unrealistic script (with some really awkward dialogues) is pretty hard to work with. I assume they didn't have a big budget for this show, but honestly, I've been binging this show from the moment I started watching it, so they must have done something right. There are a whole lot of "OMG dude what are you doing?! RUNNNN!" moments and of course the main characters survive each and every dumb decision... so it's not very realistic, but for some reason I just can't look away. It's like when you see a car accident on the road and you just have to look. Anyway... I already know this show got canceled and I'll probably be glad it's over when I get to the unfinished end, but at least it entertained me for a while.

The Flight Attendant

Absolutely brilliant
It's a shame that some people can't see that it's much deeper than "just a stereotypical dumb and blond flight attendant". She's obviously struggling and dealing with some serious mental issues, caused by her past (and by the heavy alcohol abuse probably). But she's trying so hard to do the right things. And honestly, she isn't dumb, but just extremely reckless/impulsive and she really doesn't think things through before she acts. She ticks off pretty much every box for PTSD and the fact that people describe her as "a dumb blonde" is actually kinda shallow. I think the producer of this show did a great job at showing the symptoms of PTSD (flashbacks, panic attacks, feelings of guilt, repetitive and distressing images, hyperarousal, alcohol abuse, etc) and Kaley Cuoco was equally amazing in this role! But sure, if you lack a certain depth and knowledge, I can understand this might come across as "someone who's just plain dumb". But beside all that... this series has some really smart plot-twists. I usually know what's up pretty fast, but this story kept me on the edge of my seat from the beginning till the end.

The Duchess

Quirky and so so British. Love it!
These bad ratings must come from people who don't like/understand British humor. This series is funny, quirky and even relatable in a way, simply because it isn't as polished and fake as most US series/movies. So... watch it if you like something original for a change. Don't watch it if you can't handle originality.

AJ and the Queen

Love the story, but so annoyed by the girl!
This series is great! It's quirky, it's wholesome and it's funny... but that little girl AJ needs to CHILL! She's so obnoxious. And not in an "that's what she's supposed to act like" way. It's just incredibly annoying to watch her make that "I hate the world" face in every single scene. Even more when she starts yelling as well! The queens are amazing tho! Especially RuPaul and - OMG! - Micheal-Leon Wooley! He's hilarious!


Yes it's fictional, but it's amazing
Is it accurate to historical reality? No. Does that mean it's bad? Absolutely not! Finally a good costume drama, that provides jobs for both white and black actors! Usually I'm not a big fan of anything that's romantic or dramatic, but I'm 100% swooning over these series. And I really needed this, because let's be honest... this pandemic has been a real Debbie Downer to movies/series. Couldn't find anything good to watch for a while, until I found this!

Locke & Key

Lot of loose ends and bad acting, but can't stop watching
The characters aren't very believable. They make so many weird choices that just don't make any sense and the way they talk to each other and react to the things that happen, just feels unnatural and kinda uncomfortable. Also there are a lot of details added to the storyline, that don't really seem important (although I could be surprised eventually), which can be a bit distracting. On the other hand, I'm still watching. For some reason I'm intrigued by the story and just really want to know what's going to happen next. Never have I ever been unsure whether I love or hate a certain series. Until now. I kinda feel like: great idea, terrible execution.

The Purge

Definitely not that bad!!
No, it's not a gory, mindless and scare-scene kinda horror movie. If you're into these kinda movies, you probably shouldn't watch this one, because your simple mind wouldn't be able to process the story. Save us the drama of your low rating and just watch something else. But if you like psychological thrillers with a message and a meaning, this movie is great! Honestly, it's not a 9 star movie either, but I'm trying to balance out the rating a bit, because this 5.7 star rating is just crap. I'm not really into bloody, gory horror movies, but this movie always made me wonder if I would like it, since the concept triggered me. The low rating caused me to postpone for a long time though, but I'm really glad I finally watched it. It was well worth my time!

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Unique masterpiece!
Definitely my new favorite series. You'll need 20 minutes to get used to the puppets (especially if you haven't seen the movie and even more if you're -25 years old, since this is an "old technique", yet combined with beautiful CGI) but after that you get sucked into the storyline and you can't stop watching. Don't mind the (relatively few) bad reviews. Just watch it for yourself with a neutral mind and make up your own opinion.


Just because it's not Marvel, does not mean it's bad!
James McAvoy's acting is much better, than the acting I've seen in Marvel movies. The storyline is much more original than any of the Marvel movies I've seen. (Kudos to mister Shyamalan for that!) I feel like if this movie would've been a Marvel production, the rating would've been much higher. But alas, it's not... I truly do not understand that this movie only has a 7 star rating. I could understand the bad reviews for Unbreakable, since this movie simply builds up the rest of the story and not everyone is able to see the greater picture. But both Split and Glass are amazing follow ups and they deserve much better than this. This movie might not really be a 10, but that's what I'm giving, just to get it at least a tiny bit closer to the 8.5 it should be.

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