
IMDb member since January 2005
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The Hitch-Hiker

Loved It & Didn't Expect To
A man hitch-hikes his way across the U.S. robbing and killing everyone who picks him up. He eventually gets picked up by two fishermen on their way to Mexico. He forces them at gunpoint to take him to take him through Mexico to Santa Rosalita for him to catch a ferry. He plans to kill them once they arrive. He terrorizes them in different ways along the way. Once they make it the police are closing in for a showdown at the docks. A Must See! This film is way better than I was hoping for. William Talman is excellent in his role as the psychotic Hitch-Hiker Emmett Myers. He really is frightening even today over 40 years after this film was made. The mind games he plays on the fisherman are downright scary. For me he made this film fun. Both Frank Lovejoy & Edmund O'Brien are also excellent as the fishermen. My only complaint is that some of the night scenes were difficult to see but they were minimal.

The Severed Arm

Very good Drive in Movie
6 men go into a mine which caves in trapping them. They have no food . After several days they decide to draw straws. Whoever gets the short straw is going to get a body part cut off to feed the everyone. One man loses and they cut his arm off. Right after severing his arm they hear people coming to rescue them. So they devise a story to lie and say his arm was lost in the cave-in. And that he's been delirious for a week, claiming they took his arm for food. Years later one by one the survivors gets brutally attacked or killed. I Really like this movie a lot. Sure the actings below average but the story was good enough to hold my attention

The Forbidden

Sleazy 60s mondo film
The forbidden is a thoroughly enjoyable mondo film. Most of the subject matter is very adult and very sexual in nature. There is a TON of nudity in this movie. That being said, I found it really interesting. Some of the subject matter that is touched on are a karate school that advertises with an extremely risqué' commercial, a portable topless bar, prostitutes that drug their johns and steel their money, a jealous wife who smashes her car into her husbands car killing him and his mistress, a strip club in Brussels, a private lesbian club in Switzerland, a riot in Los Angeles, a London strip club that only hires virgins, a stripping school for housewives, and Nazi strippers in Berlin, I really enjoyed this one.

I Want More

fun short film
I just saw this for the first time. what a scummy little movie. I Liked it! Its shot as a documentary, however its not too hard to tell its all staged. There's a lot to see in this movie. Blink your eyes, and you could miss a lot. Some of the things we get to see are a couple who get it on in front of voyeurs. The man says they are paid a hundred a show and sometimes they do 2-3 shows a night. A man who is the Edward Scissorhands of pubic hair. Shaping the ladies of 1970 Los Angeles pubic hair into hearts and flowers and other things. We also get to see Group showers, Lesbians, and more. The whole time its narrated by a guy interviewing people that were in the scene.

Wide World of Sports 40th Anniversary Special

A fun Watch
I grew up in the 70s. which was a time when basically all men watched ABC's Wide World Of Sports. Watching this DVD brought back a lot of memories. They basically did a 60 minutes style show about sports and thats what this was. With bits about Lance Armstong, Nascar, Women In Sports, Evil Knievel and more. I found the evil Knievel section to be the most entertaining. Followed by the Lance Armstrong, My, what that man has been through a lot. Overall a fun and entertaining watch especially for those of us who grew up watching these episodes. However, If you for some reason don't like sports you will find this extremely boring.

Born in East L.A.

It should have been better
Richard "Cheech" Marin plays Rudy, An American born Mexican-American who goes to pick his cousin up at work and ends up in an immigration raid. He doesn't have his licence on him and ends up deported to Mexico. The rest of the movie is spent showing Rudy tirelessly try to get back across the border and get home. I thought this movie was just OK, not great, and not horrible. The acting is acceptable. I especially liked Paul Rodriguez character who mostly spoke Spanish in the movie but still managed to be hysterical for those of us who don't speak Spanish. Would I watch it again or recommend you watch it? Probably not.

The Keeper

Better Than I Expected
I owned this on DVD for a several years before I ever watched it. I'm sorry I did'nt watch it sooner. Dennis Hopper playing his usual bad guy role is really good. He plays a cop. Who is assigned to a case of a stripper who nearly got raped. He decides the stripper needs reforming so he kidnaps her and puts her in a jail cell in his basement. Once there he puts her on a point system. where she has to earn points to get something she needs. Like a shower, Fork, etc. I don't want to give away what happens from then out, but lets just say it was enough to keep me glued to my chair after 2 am on a work night. In my opinion this film is well worth seeing. Dennis Hopper is Great. I also enjoyed Asia Argento's portrayal of the stripper. Overall, A fun little movie I will re-visit again.

Il mondo di notte numero 3

Sick & Disturbing... Not For The Squeamish I Liked It
I am someone familiar with mondo movies. I have seen about 10 over the past 4-5 years. For those not familiar with Mondo films. Check out wikipedias explanation. That being said. I found this one better than average. The first half hour or so was pretty dull, But after that they really kicked it up a notch, showing things that at times were both sick & Disturbing. Which are two things I love in a movie! This film really had a lot going for it. Topless Babes, A Human Pincushion, An old school whale hunt & a girl who castrates reindeer with her teeth are just a few of the wonders to be seen on this little gem. For those like me who enjoy that sort of thing, you will enjoy this movie, Others will find it boring or just plain sick.

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