
IMDb member since August 2013
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Jury Duty

This show is hilarious!
I just read an article that compares Ronald's experience to The Truman Show, and it's so true! This show is hilarious and I loved how genuine Ronald is with all the characters. I also did jury duty last year and had a horrible experience, so watching this show was kind of cathartic for me.

James Marsden is hilariously annoying and egotistical throughout.... I adore Mekki Leeper from Sex Lives of College Girls, and his character was adorable here.. I loved watching how the characters grew closer over their time together and grew to care for each other. I laughed so hard in certain situations too. Definitely give this show a try!


I'm obsessed with Tetris and loved this movie!
I tend to enjoy historical movies, especially about the Cold War period. I play Tetris all the time, and was super excited for this movie to come out. (I also adore Taron Egerton....he is so damn talented and versatile.) I can definitely say that this film did NOT disappoint. I was both on the edge of my seat and also learning about history and rooting for the characters at the same time.

I would say that this movie is definitely worth your time.....most of it is spent in the final days of the Soviet Union, and it painted such a vivid portrait of how life was behind the Iron Curtain. Gonna go play a couple hours of Tetris after watching this.

Harry & Meghan

Loved this series SO much
As our friend Taylor Swift says, "Haters gonna hate." That's this entire review section. You've gotta really have your panties in a twist to not see the genuine love these two people have for each other. Or.... maybe an unhealthy and codependent attachment to a thousand year-old institution that's less and less relevant? Beats me, I'm just an American.

I deeply appreciate how they opened up to share their story here. I've always related to Harry growing up (we were born a month apart), because i also lost my mom when i was young. It really does mark you. And I've also been the black sheep in my family throughout my whole life for wanting to carry on her legacy. So,it brought me so much peace to see how deeply proud Harry is to be his mother's son. He honors her with his life, his words, his actions, his humility, and his genuine sense of care for his wife and family.

Their love story was so sweet to see they met and got together and decided to make it work. I, too, met my husband in my 30's. There's something so rich about meeting someone who already has a fully formed sense of self. grieves me deeply to see the racism that Meghan experienced throughout her time with the royal family. The series did a very thorough job of showing the UK's history of slavery, colonialism, and empire, and then putting Meghan's experience into the context of all those centuries of history. It was not an exception or an anomaly, it's literally baked into the foundation of the nation and it's Empire.

But after all this, bless both M & H and their children and the life they have built together. They truly do care about humanity and justice. Looking forward to see what impact they will have over the years.

To all the haters in this review section....anger and hate is like a hot coal in the palm of your hand. It only burns YOU.

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