
IMDb member since August 2013
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The Cuckoo

About 4 hours too long.
This is another predictable, overblown , slow paced series which fails to impress on almost every level. The writing is lazy , the plot devices oh so convenient. The lack of research into School and Police procedures was so poor it rendered lengthy plot points laughable. The acting in the main was OK but never truly believable , the interviewing police officer was dreadful in her performance but that may just have been the awful script she was given. Alice was given equally poor service and consequently came across as an obnoxious spoilt brat with no critical thinking skills, much like her mum who was written as an illogical and slightly stupid woman. All of this was rounded off with an ending so predictable that both my wife and I called it in the first few minutes of the final episode , right down to the "twist" I would say plot twist but the plot was barely there. If you feel you must watch it , save time and just watch the final episode, it will give you all you need and save you a great deal of unnecessary effort.

Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed

I know people are gullible but surely no one actually believes this
I am an open minded sort of bloke and I do firmly believe that with the vastness of space it is incredibly arrogant of us to think we are the only life in the universe but this pile of nonsense is beyond the pale. Perfectly natural structures highlighted in colours to force you to see buildings...... Really ! It is amusing to watch but nothing more it even includes yet another alien on a slab ( a very waxy looking figure , almost as if it had been man made ) on the alleged Apollo 20 ‽ with merged flags and dodgy footage...... Now I am happy to be proved wrong and as I said I would be amazed if we were alone in the entire universe but this "documentary " really is a crock.


Lumbering, ponderous great cast, boring characters.
I have only seen the first 2 episodes, I accept that the first episode of any new and in this case major series will be introducing characters but even so it was incredibly slow. I found myself surfing the web at the hour point waiting for something to happen. I persevered and watched to the end. I found that before I watched episode 2 I had to have a recap of the first in order to catch up with who was who, at the end of this I found that I still didn't care much for any of the characters. I watched episode 2 expecting more, sadly though I found myself drifting toward my laptop again. Ther is no denying it has a fabulous cast and is beautifully shot but for me the big issue is that I simply don't know and at the moment do not want to get to know the characters. The episodes I have watched have had about fifteen minutes of story crammed into an hour. I will try episode three in the hope that something happens. I fear that it may be my last attempt if it is more of the same long winded plot with furtive glances and accusatory looks.Fingers crossed that something happens either in the programme or to my perception of it. On the bright side it may save space on my sky box if I stop series link.


Excellent performances
I was fortunate enough to see one of the previews this production on stage while David Tennant was still fit. It was spellbinding , every actor on the stage was immaculate in their performance, the audience laughed and cried openly. The DVD version is a very good representation of the stage version but it lacks the magic of watching a live production, the interaction that the characters have with the audience, the emotional responses of a theatre full of people that allows you as an individual to show greater emotion than sitting in front of a TV. I also feel that the nature of filming in close up and multi angle sometime gets the viewer too close to the characters. All that said, this is a tremendous production, the comedy is brought to the fore which makes the tragedy even more profound. The cast is absolutely superb and I do mean the entire cast, not only the big name leads.The delivery of the dialogue is so beautifully done that even a Shakespeare novice will understand what is being conveyed. I have seen Hamlet performed live a dozen times and have left before the end on at least six occasions. This version when performed live is by far and away my favourite. My favourite film version is still the 1948 Laurence Olivier version....but this is a close second

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