
IMDb member since August 2013
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    10 years


The Orville: Midnight Blue
Episode 8, Season 3

this episode has certainly stepped up to the mark
So, by and large, I have always regarded "The Orville" as being light humor, filling that big gap which was left when "Star Trek" took a U-turn to go where no woke man had gone before.....but this episode has certainly stepped up to the mark. Well done, Seth!!!

The last six minutes with Klyden... wow!!

The Plot Against America

Tedious. A slow burn that fails to ignite on all levels
I was hoping this would be an alternative history account that preceded Man in the High Castle but unfortunately it fails abysmally. The episodes just never takes off. Cinematography and acting are faultless, but unfortunately the actual story is disjoint and boring. First half of episode 6 had promise, but then closed with a feel-good, everybody's-a-winner ending.

The Endgame

Games up! .... I won't be sticking around for the end.
3 episodes is enough for me. I should have cut my losses after episode 1 but I had hopes it would improve.

Don't get me wrong, this style of drama might well appeal to a certain type of audience that is prepared to leave their intelligence behind when they turn on the TV. But a mastermind criminal leaving obscure clues to be solved just in the nick of time is not my idea of quality drama. I mean, come on... a ticking bomb with only seconds to spare and the only way to defuse it is to solve the riddle? Adam West might have been impressed in 1968, but there is so much better viewing to be had out there in 2022. Don't waste your time.

Star Trek: Discovery

"It's Star Trek, Jim, but not as we know it"
That's it !! ... I'm not watching this woke crap anymore. Each season has gotten progressively more unbearable. I have thus far only managed to survive with the help of the fast-forward button during all the verbal diarrhea and emotional outpourings.

I've been a trekkie since 1966 but this is not Star Trek. This is just a vehicle to push the politically correct LGBTQ+everyotherletterofthealphabet agenda and embrace diversity BS. What is it with TV in America now that they have to push this down our throats in every episode?

So that's it, shields up, I have now put a permanent cloaking device around ST:D And I'll tell you another thing: Doctor Who will soon be following a similar fate if it doesn't sort itself out soon.


A solid 7.5 out 10.
It's misleading gauging a show that spans 8 seasons on just one single IMBD rating. If I'm gonna invest time in a series that I didn't catch 10 years ago then I usually look for one that rates pretty high, usually more than 8. But it makes sense to view the ratings from individual seasons, maybe even each episode.

I watched seasons 1 thru 5 and thoroughly enjoyed them all.

Then season 6 just seemed to drag. The Doomsday Killer story arc was so boring. Biblical, formulaic nonsense that I gave up on and stopped watching after episode 3.

A year later and I gave it another go and, to be honest, the rest of season 6 didn't improve at all but then, the very last minute of episode 12 ended with a season cliff-hanger that was just too good not to watch season 7.

And I am so glad I did.... Season 7, best season ever.

The final season of the series, season 8 was back to tedious in parts, but wrapped up with a satisfying finale.

Overall a solid 7.5 from me.

Except for season 6 (5 out of 10) and season 7 (9 out of 10) But wait, there's more... I have just found out that after ending in 2013 there is now a 9th season just finished shooting.

May well be released before the end of 2021..... I can't wait.

WandaVision: The Series Finale
Episode 9, Season 1

8.7 and climbing
At the time of writing this review there have been 239 reviews before me and an average rating of 8.7 for this episode. Deservedly so. I'm picking this will average out even higher as more reviews come in, I tend to gauge my enjoyment of a show by how often I have to reach for the remote and press the Fast-Forward button during all the chase scenes or the fight scenes. WandaVision episode 9 Series Finale .... didn't happen at all, not once. My only regret is that this episode was titled "Series Finale" and not "Season Finale" .... y'all know what that means, right?

The Queen's Gambit

Stumbled on this by accident and couln't stop watching.
I never watch shows like this. I am totally a sci-fi, fantasy, horror buff. But I recently purchased a new smart TV and needed to adjust the picture settings for Netflix and this series just happened to be being promoted on Netflix in the menu system when I needed to play something. Well, it totally hooked me. I did 5 episodes yesterday and I the rest this morning. This show is excellent, well worth the high ratings everybody has given it.


What the hell were they thinking?
What the hell were the TV execs thinking when they approved this series? There was no car chase ... There was no shoot out ... There was no pointless sex ... and there were no gender identity issues forced down our throats. With none of the prerequisite boxes being checked, how could they have possibly thought this would succeed? But a solid 9 from me, just pure light humored enjoyment. This is a really a short 75 minute film, broken up into 6 parts that would have suited being webisodes.

Double Cross

A new baseline has been set
All reviewers should have to watch this to appreciate what bad really is. The bar can't be set any lower.

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