
IMDb member since August 2013
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Dark Moon Rising

A movie without a movie **spoilers?**
I got a hold of a copy of this movie based solely on how bad the reviews were. I thought to myself that it must be impossible for a movie to truly be that bad. This movie was that bad. One hour, twenty five minutes and 34 seconds.

****may include spoilers**** so the movie starts with scenes that almost to black to make out anything that is happening. Partial face, blurry movement, filmed at night. I honestly have no clue what is going on at the beginning. Just random "werewolf" sounds. ends up with two women......and a man somewhere in the darkness who is reading his lines.....VERY SLOWLY. We were laughing.....but it is not comedy....it really is that bad. The whisper growl man was ridiculous. The scenes seem to be randomly put together. I have to agree that this may be one of the worst movies I have ever seen....and I have watched some of horrendous Lorenzo lamas films....try and make it through UNSEEN EVIL 2 (alien 3000) without breaking a rib laughing at the helicopter scenes (lorenzo standing in obvious cardboard box with some person making helicopter sounds)....anyway.....random scenes, horrible music, idiotic script that is nonsense, actors or random people off the street interacting with each other..I could not tell. Shaky, out of focus, garbage camera work. This is easily in the top 5 worse movies I have ever seen . the movie "ends" three times, in a row. Then cuts to a scene that is out of focus with horrible cgi to finish it off. No idea what the point of this film was.


A movie that may teach you something about yourself
Tonight we discovered this movie on Netflix. It is an excellent movie, perhaps more so because it is an independent film. Jono Oliver does a great job directing this film. The scenes are set a nice pace. It seemed less like a movie and more like we were watching the actual events of a man's life. Gbenga Akinnagbe does an excellent job in his role. This is a movie that had us talking afterward. I think this is something that everyone should give a shot. As a father myself, I could not imagine having to go through all the things this man does...just to be able to get a chance to spend some time with his son. I admired the main character's tenacity.

Hand of God

The best project Ron has ever been involved in
This by far is one of the best pilots I have ever watched. It immediately gets your attention and pulls you into the show. There are a few different story lines, they are all equally emotional. I felt several emotions while watching the pilot. I felt excitement for certain part and dismay. I laughed and then for a minute I could not believe what I watched happen. It really does it all. The characters are deep enough to care about without too many soapbox moments. The Lead Character did an amazing job acting. He crushed his performance from sons of anarchy. This has got to be the best work of his entire career. I won't lie, there were some tears shed during the pilot....

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