
IMDb member since January 2005
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    19 years


She Gods of Shark Reef

Better than Robot Monster. I think.
I too am working my way slowly through the 50 sci-fi classics, along with the 50 horror classics, etc. Unlike the previous reviewer, I simply couldn't finish this god-awful excuse for a movie. I agree that it had to be stuck in at the end, when they realized that cannibalizing all the Italian dubbed sci=fi movies they could lay their hands on hadn't quite filled the slots. The color is so awful that you wish there was a way to convert it to Rey scale. The plot is non-existent. I gave up after the third meaningless hula dance. I didn't go outside for a walk because it's been pretty cold, but went downstairs and did some weights to work off the frustration. I noticed that this dog just appeared for free on the internet archive feature films site. Overpriced at that.

The Old Dark House

Forgotten black comedy.
This is great English black comedy, that has been forgotten for many years. It isn't even really available on DVD or VHS. I searched e-bay and found a DVD for sale, but I'm assuming from the item itself that it's a bootleg. More the pity. Tom Posten is an American in Britain selling cars. He sells one to Casper Femm. When he tries to deliver it, Casper asks if he would drive it to Femm hall while he, Casper flies back. He does, only to find that Casper has died an hour before his arrival. From there things rapidly deteriorate. All the residents of Femm hall have to remain every night in the house to keep their share of their inheritance, and all of them are certifiably crazy. A supposed remake of the original Old Dark House done in 1932 with Boiris Karloff, the two movies have very little in common. This is just a great piece of light hearted black comedy, and well worth the watching.

The Phantom Planet

So bad it's good
This movie has it all. Wooden acting, ridiculous plot, special effects from the local army-navy store. No point in going over the plot, since it doesn't make any sense anyway. The only comment that can be made about the hero is that at one point he is offered a choice of two women, one of whom can't speak. He initially is attracted to the one who can speak. The kzinti would not have understood. Eventually he corrects his error, but I lost all respect for him Then there is a war with some sort of sun people. They are supposed to be able to destroy the asteroid the hero is trapped on, but don't seem to be able to manage it. The phantom planet people have captured one of the bad guys who apparently can kill them all if he gets loose. He does get loose, and just goes for the woman. The one who can't speak. At least he has better taste than the hero. The sun creature by the way, looks like the creature from "This Island Earth" on a really bad hair day. All in all,Iliked the movie, not because it was good, but because it was so terrible I couldn't tear myself away.

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