
IMDb member since August 2013
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I can't believe I wasted a couple of hours on this. James McAvoy is good but there was no real suspense. I won't spoil anything but the ending was just stupid. I guess M. Night could only write half a movie and then gave up. I can't imagine what hi jinks he'll come up with for the sequel.

Grown Ups 2

I'm not sure what people expected.
If you saw the first movie and liked it, you'll like this. If you hated the first one, why did you bother seeing the sequel? Yes, it's full of slapstick, sophomoric and tasteless humor. There are pee jokes and fart jokes.... Hot women and hot guys.... etc., etc. It's not Shakespeare, not even Steven King. However, sometimes I'm in the mood for a stupid summer movie that appeals to the child in me. I like high brow humor but I also have the Fart Button on my Kindle. If you expected more that what was there don't blame the movie, blame yourself. Since when has any Adam Sandler movie striven to win an Oscar. He makes movies that appeal to the child in all of us; some hit the mark while some don't. My family left the movie feeling happy.

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