Reviews (2)

  • What had made Kick-Ass so special was its ability to sustain an interesting story both for the audiences who are and who are not willing to delve into the deeper aspects of what makes a film truly shine. Kick-Ass 2, on the other hand, seemingly aimed only to satisfy those who are not willing to dig. (But not entirely; I will get into that later). Simply put, if you walk into movies to see action, blood, and a whole lot of style, you will absolutely love Kick-Ass 2. However, if you walk into movies to see interesting characters, a well paced story, and a whole lot of substance, you will still admire Kick-Ass 2, but forget about it very soon. While there are few aspects from the deeper end of the spectrum residing within this film, that does not mean that they do not stand out and impress. Hit-Girl was a blast to watch in the first film. But unfortunately, her new-found sensitivities in this film seem to do nothing but take away from what mattered the most about her character in the first place in exchange for a few scenes of unnecessary high-school drama for the sake of developing a character in all the wrong spots. In spite of this, one character who stood out in a great way was Colonel Stars and Stripes who, in his mere seven and a half minutes of screen time, was an enormous bundle of interesting. Sadly, behind this among few more redeeming qualities lies the issues that many will have a hard time ignoring. The antagonist, who is notoriously known as The Motherf%#$er, is someone I found to be very bland and out-of-place in the Kick-Ass film universe created by the first film. Among a handful of humorous scenes he shared with Javier lies something we see every day in teenage comedies. Something worth forgetting about. Overall, Kick-Ass 2 is a great film for reasons that a lot of audiences do not find a film great for. However, if you allow it to take you to the spot it would like you to be (Which is a different mindset than what you had while watching the first) you should be in for a nice ride.
  • I had not been on Nickelodeon in about 3 years. So one day, I decided to sneak a peek and maybe get a bit of nostalgia out of it. It was 3:00, so a show was bound to be just starting. Upon viewing the last commercial, I had been greeted by the introduction of "Sam & Cat" (An apparent spin-off revolving around two comic-relief characters from two popular shows created by the wannabe John Hughes himself, Dan Schneider.) It was when I had begun noticing the sexual innuendo and selfie-based transitions that I had known exactly who the writers are aiming this show at; to which I felt insulted. Let's say that Mr. Schneider cooks us, the viewers, a meal. It's delicious! The pinch of salt he added really brought out the flavor of the other ingredients! He then makes us yet another meal. Wow! That chili powder worked amazingly with the other ingredients, as well! Mr. Schneider then thinks to himself: "Hmmm... Since they loved the salt and chili powder from my first two meals, they're going to love this!" He then dumps a half pound of salt, and a half pound of chili powder onto a plate and confidently hands it to us. This new dish is Sam & Cat. Sam Pucket and Cat Valentine are two characters who are only useful when they have other, more cohesive, and well-spoken characters to work from! They cannot occupy an entire show on their own. One can understand this show's growing popularity, but unless you are one to enjoy the overpowering flavors of Sam & Cat as characters, I recommend staying far away from this show.