
IMDb member since September 2013
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We Can Keep You Forever

This video has many facts and first person accounts. It is a must see!
This video, for anyone with any patriotism, a must see. I used to believe our government to be better than it is, at least where taking care of our military and veterans. This video is a real eye opener and is not the only of its kind. I wish it could be required in our schools! There are many sources for additional information also. 'Left Behind' is another good one. Anyone not believing the information in these movies just needs to keep doing the research, it is all true. I am so glad and blessed that my two brothers that served in Vietnam came home. Although they too have problems from that time and place. I spoke to a former POW, and he said he and the guys he was held with were told the exact words by the VC we can keep you forever, no one knows you are here. My friend was a Marine fighter pilot and was shot down and subsequently captured. Held six months and released for operation homecoming in 1973.

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