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Supernatural: Wishful Thinking
Episode 8, Season 4

Outstanding Episode
This episode is amazing. It's long been one of my favorites of the funny variety. It's become a little weird on the rewatch though....

The actor that plays young Todd, Ryan Grantham, who wished for super-strength at the wishing well? He ended up murdering his mother, shooting her in the head while she was playing the piano, before packing guns into his car and heading out to assassinate Justin Trudeau.

That plan fell through so he decided to do a mass shooting at a mall instead. For whatever reason, he finally decided against mass murder and turned himself in without harming anyone else besides his mother.

He was given a life sentence for the murder of his mother.

So.... I love this episode and watched it several times over the years before any of this happened. Now, on the rewatch, I can't help but think about how that kids life has ended up.

Supernatural: Tall Tales
Episode 15, Season 2

Outstanding Episode
One of the best of the funny episodes. The dueling points of view are some of the best scenes in the show so far. This episode introduces the Trickster and he's one of the best villains/monsters in the entire show.

We also get to see Bobby again. Showing up, giving the boys a verbal beatdown for letting the Trickster tie them in knots..... Always love Bobby.

Definitely don't skip this episode. It's even better on the rewatch too. Honestly, the slowdancing alien is one of the better gags the Trickster ever pulled. The alligator and the ghost girl were messed up, sure. But abducting the guy that loves hazing pledges and probing the crap out of his butthole? Amazing.

The X Files: Pusher
Episode 17, Season 3

I don't think Rachel Miner is in this episode....
Robert Patrick Modell is one of the best human villains with the absolute best supernatural ability in all of the X-Files. This first installment is definitely the better of the two 'Pusher' episodes. Vince Gillian did an amazing job with this one and it seems like he knew it too. He told management it was the best work he'd do for them.

Ok, I've watched the X-Files since they were first on TV. I've rewatched the entire series many times. I've seen this episode far too many times to want to actually tell you a number. The Dave Groll cameo? I had no idea. It's quick but if you watch right after he puts the 'PASS' in his pocket and heads towards the guard, Dave is right behind him walking with a woman. He's so young!

Now on to the titular Rachel Miner. I loaded up this episode specifically because I saw Rachel credited in it. I couldn't remember seeing her at all and I've mentioned that I've seen the X-Files too many times. So I rewatched it looking specifically for her and I can't find her anywhere. She's credited as "Injured FBI Analyst" but the only injured FBI woman is the petite brunette, Holly, that beat up Skinner.

Rachel Miner does have a passing resemblance to Julia Arkos, the actress that plays Holly Patton, but she was only 15 or 16 at the time this episode was being filmed. There's no way Rachel would be playing an FBI agent in '95 or '96.

The Last of Us: Long, Long Time
Episode 3, Season 1

One of the best pieces of TV I've seen in a long time.
When I watched this episode the first time, I was riveted. I saw it a second time a day later when my daughter came over and I was still engaged. These characters were written and acted so well, I really found myself caring for them.

Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett did such an outstanding job here, I can't even begin to explain. I don't ever throw around comments like, "They should get an award!," but I really do think they should both be considered for one here.

Let the haters talk smack and leave reviews complaining about gender politics. It won't change the fact that this was an amazing episode of television.

Ms. Marvel

Good Show, Disregard the Haters
This is a good show. Inclusive and respectful.

Iman Vellani is amazing and I love her casting.

If you notice any reviews mentioning wokeness, you can disregard them. We all know what those reviews are about.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

I am so happy they've done another episodic Star Trek!
I love Star Trek but the way they've done all the newer ones with overarching storylines where you have to have seen every single episode to understand what's happening is not my favorite thing. If I want that sort of thing, I'll watch movies.

This show, so far, has stand-alone episodes that are self contained. Don't get me wrong, they're building on characters and there will be some story arc but you can pick almost any one of these episodes and watch it on its own merit, just like the Star Treks of old!

I really hope they keep this up and if they make some more shows, I hope they keep this format. It's what I've been waiting for.

Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

Funny, sad, exciting and thought provoking.
This was a very good movie. I found myself laughing a lot more than I thought I would. It was a good story, emotional and well done. Emma was amazing.

Red Rocket

I don't understand all the positive reviews
This film was garbage. No plot, shallow characters, bad acting, pedo vibe, etc. I only watched it because of the IMDb score and I'm sorry I did. What's wrong with y'all?

Fringe: Brown Betty
Episode 20, Season 2

People Need to Calm Down Some
This was an episode taken from Walters imagination. The man is known for doing and manufacturing drugs.

I am not a big fan of musicals. I usually skip those types of episodes. The musical numbers in this are as bad as most but they're truncated and short. It makes them tolerable at the very least.

It's quite a bit different from a normal Fringe episode and I get that the placement sucks, coming right after a huge cliff hanger episode with Peter. All in all, this isn't a bad episode if you can just go with it. The story is entertaining enough in a drug addled, mental patient kind of way. It was interesting to see everyone play something against type for their characters.

If you can't just roll with it, skip it.

9-1-1: Lone Star: Prince Albert in a Can
Episode 11, Season 3

The whole "gamers are subhuman" schtick gets old
I understand these shows are geared towards older people but using gamers as punching bags is used and abused. They could have made a genuinely interesting episode with the swatting angle. Instead we get two characters talking about YouTube gamers like they're some kind of sub-species they can hardly understand.

Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch

Super Fake
This should be required to have a giant disclaimer at the beginning of every episode explaining that it's completely fake. Everyone involved with this show should be ashamed of themselves; some people might actually buy this stuff.

Supernatural: Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Episode 9, Season 6

Better Run Man, I Think the Fourth Kind is a Butt Thing!
A lot of people try and say that the first five seasons of this show were the best. I have to disagree, there's a bunch of good episodes in season six. This is one of those.

I love how this episode is at the expense of the X-Files and features Robert Picardo from Star Trek. If I had a wishlist for a Supernatural episode, this would have definitely been on it. One of my favorites.

From the abduction to the microwave to Soulless Sam, this episode is amazing.

Into the Dark: The Body
Episode 1, Season 1

Really Familiar
I thought this was too familiar. There was a movie by the same title, "The Body", a few years back. This is a remake of that movie...

Colony: Somewhere Out There
Episode 2, Season 2

Something Wrong with This Episode
I'm not sure what it was but the episode looked grainy, jumpy, devoid of color and I couldn't get over how much it looked like a soap opera. I was so busy being distracted by the camera work, I couldn't pay attention to the story.

I don't know if it was a filter, lens, camera, film type or whatever it looked bad. The camera kept rolling around in an unsteady way. I get this is supposed to be a darker episode thematically but it looked like an entirely different show.

The ending was amazing tho...

Supernatural: ScoobyNatural
Episode 16, Season 13

Glad They're Still Doing Supernatural
This is my first review for supernatural since Baby. Every once in a while an episode comes along that just makes me happy they are still making this show. Baby and this one are two of those.

Great episode and beautifully integrated into the Scooby universe. I was waiting to see Scrappy and I wasn't disappointed! He ran thru while they were doing the door gag.

Jean-Claude Van Johnson

Surprisingly Good
I was surprised at how good this actually was. Good on JC for being able to poke fun at himself and the entire genre of his movies.

Dave Made a Maze

Great but Absurd Movie
I ended up seeing this a few times after telling a couple people about it and re-watching it with them.

I think all the positive reviews got it right so I'll focus on the negative ones.... This is not going to be a movie for everyone. If you can't be immersed and just go with something completely outlandish and let it take you where you're going to go, you may not like this. If you can just let go of the "that's not possible" mindset, this movie is great.

Killing Gunther

Funnier Than I Thought It Would Be
I'm not usually a fan of over the top acting and/or comedy. I do agree with others that it could have been way better if they had toned it down. Having said that, watching Arnold make fun of himself (and quite a bit at that) and just acting in a silly role was quite good.

Yes, he isn't in the movie until quite late but it was worth the wait. The last one I saw him do (something about an airplane crash? I don't remember exactly) was awful. I went into this wondering if he could still pull off a good part and was at least surprised it went so far sideways from what I was expecting.

Overall I'd say you should watch this one. I wasn't upset that I spent my time on it. If you're expecting a huge budget action movie or something, this may not be what you're looking for. If you want something different and don't mind a bit of over acting, go for it...

Gun Shy

This one is cringe worthy and I'm embarrassed for Banderas
Reading the summary and seeing the reviews, I didn't think this movie would be great. I checked it out simply because Antonio Banderas has done some really great work in the past. I understand that his movies aren't all outstanding but I figured he could carry it if he had to...

I was mistaken. This movie was just plain bad. From the plot being laughably thin, the acting completely lacking, the ridiculous stereotypes and last (but certainly not least) the awful singing from Banderas, this movie was just one long cringe.

I am not usually this harsh on most of my reviews but this one definitely deserves the rating I gave it.

Finding Dory

A Very Solid Sequel
I was excited when I heard Pixar was working on a sequel to Finding Nemo. The first film was fantastic. My kids were both young when it was released and we watched it many, many times.

I was a little worried about the sequel not living up to the original. I don't think Pixar would ever be able to top Finding Nemo but they did a very nice job on this one. It was a fun movie with many people in the theater laughing quite a bit.

The movie is well paced and has a lot of interesting and funny characters. The octopus was a great new character. The young version of Dory was about the cutest fish you could imagine. She was about %75 eyes. Most of her body mass were just the massively cute eyeballs.

If you are looking for a good family movie and you liked the first one, go ahead and go for this one. I walked out of the theater feeling good about spending the money to see it. That is not always the case with me and movie theaters.


Disjointed and Confusing
I am a fan of the novel and have read it several times. I was excited when I learned they were doing a film adaptation, especially after seeing some big names involved. There have been some Stephen King adaptations that were executed poorly but this has to be one of the worst.

Even though I had read the book several times, this film was confusing. The story was severely disjointed and very hard to follow. They followed some of the parts of the book but strayed very far off on most elements of the story. This film never seemed to figure out where they wanted to go with the story. Even the elements that should have been easy to make clear were muddled.

I cannot recommend this movie at all. If you're a fan of the novel, just steer clear of this movie. You will be disappointed. Stick with the book, it was much, much better.

The Walking Dead: Here's Not Here
Episode 4, Season 6

I believe that the producers of The Walking Dead really do want to torture us viewers. After the cliffhanger that ended "Thank You (#6.3)", I think almost everyone wanted to see what was going to happen with that. In this episode nothing is resolved with that predicament in any way, shape or form.

Don't get me wrong, this episode was great all by itself. BUT it would have been nice to get something, anything to do with the end of the last episode. It is nice to draw the suspense out a bit but man did they not touch on a single thing from the previous episode.

I do not want anyone to be dissuaded from watching this episode, that's not it at all. I just wanted to know how all that other stuff played out.

Supernatural: Baby
Episode 4, Season 11

Outstanding Episode
I have worried that Supernatural would get stuck in a rut where all the episodes were completely based on the season story arc and they would leave behind all the Monster of the Week episodes. I especially had trouble with season 10 for this reason.

This episode was outstanding. It actually got me excited about the show again. It was nice to have an episode that wasn't completely about Rowena. The way this episode was shot, the action scenes and the humor were all done very nicely.

If you have found yourself lacking the excitement Supernatural used to give you, watch this episode. You'll be glad you did.

Now You See Me

Really Good Movie
I was surprised that I enjoyed this movie as much as I did. After reading negative reviews on this title, I was ready to be disappointed. I was not. If you appreciate a movie that will make you keep guessing and are one of those people who have a brain that spoils so many movies for you, whether you want it spoiled or not, this one does a good job. I am not saying that no one will be able to figure any of the plot before it is shown in the movie but it isn't completely transparent the entire time. I am hard to impress with titles that have twists but this one impressed me. If anyone tells you they knew every piece and part of this before it was revealed, they are bending (if not breaking) the truth.

The cast all did a wonderful job. I was a little let down seeing the guy from the last season of Scrubs on here (everyone should have hated him from his role in that show) but he did a pretty good job of proving that he has some range. Seeing Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson together again was really cool. Morgan Freeman is in it, need I say more in that department? Really, they all did quite a good job.

Last thing I am going to say is that this is the first time I have reviewed a title on IMDb and I created my account for this one. That's not to say I wasn't really tempted before but this is the one that actually made me pause the next movie I had started watching, sign up and type out this review. That has to be saying something since I have seen untold numbers of movies and IMDb is my go-to for movie related information.

There you have it. Someone notorious for spoiling movies for himself just by thinking about the plot and someone who hasn't cared enough to sign up and review a title before... this one flipped both issues around for me. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did.

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