
IMDb member since January 2005
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The Mothers-In-Law

Kaye Ballard today!
I'm only 40, but I loved the Mothers In Law, as well. Kaye Ballard was a standout to me because of how vocal and hilarious she was. Of course Eve Arden was amazing too. If you live in Southern California and head out to Palm Springs, Ballard will be emceeing the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies, a vaudeville-type show which showcases a cast of older comedians, actors, dancers, vaudevillians who prove they are nowhere near past their prime. A great show that Ballard will be emceeing for part of this season. (They change up their emcees each year, having had some of the more famous old Hollywood names of the past host in recent years). The Follies has received coverage in newspapers from all over the world, the Today show did a segment on it, and it continues to grow in popularity. Check it out.

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