
IMDb member since January 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    19 years


Other Space

Loads of Fun
I truly hope Yahoo! brings this back for a second season. I had seen an ad for the show, then I saw the series online, and I was basically doing nothing, I figured, "Why not? I'll catch a few minutes." That few minutes turned into the entire season in a binge watch. It's kinda funny realizing that at least 2 members of the cast were regular characters on the ATT commercials. The show is really fun, and the writers have done a very decent job with the dialogue. I'd have no problem stating I'd put this higher than most of the stuff on network TV.

The basic premise is a bunch of misfits wind up exploring a completely different universe while trying to find a way home. The captain is a bit over- enthusiastic and naive about things going on around him. The first officer is the captain's older sister, and everyone except the captain either hates her or is afraid of her or both. The navigator is a girl the captain has a crush on and has basically no other reason to be there as she is not a very good navigator. The third in command (who should have been second until the powers that be decided they were too afraid of the captain's big sister to keep her around) is the captain's best friend from childhood, and most folks don't even realize he is there. Rounding out the rest is the Admiral's son that was conceived to be a body parts mill for his older brother, and spent the 20 years of his life in a water tank, the ship's engineer that definitely had a bit too much radiation, drugs or some intense combination of the two, the ship's computer, the former AI from a casino, and the ship's robot, a former pension fund robber that is trying to keep himself alive inside the brain of the robot.

The show is quirky, but definitely fun. I really hope Yahoo! brings it back. I have really enjoyed it.

Real Steel

What a Fun Movie!
We just got back from the advance screening. What a fun movie! It's sort of Rocky as a robot, but loads of fun. I really enjoyed Hugh Jackman, but in the movie as well as a showman, it was all Max, his son. It's definitely clichéd, and a lot of time, you know what's coming, but Star Wars was clichéd too, and it was still a great movie.

The violence is not as bad as the rating makes it seem because most of the violence is the robots. There are a couple scenes of Hugh Jackman getting beat up, but that's about it.

Take the kids and have a blast. The movie is well-worth your time. I enjoyed this one a lot and highly recommend it.

30 Minutes or Less

It's Definitely Directed at 17yo Males
It's directed at 17yo males, there's definitely no doubt about that. You almost have to divide this movie into two parts, the first half and the second half. The first half was so bad, I actually turned to one of the other folks I went with and said, "Okay, I will give it 5 minutes more. If it doesn't improve, I'm walking."

Well, it did improve, and a lot. The second half of the movie was great. The plot is fun, and the movie is interesting. The actors were very good, and Jesse Eisenberg and Aziz Ansari really played off each other well as Nick and Chet. I would have liked to see more of Fred Ward, but the little bit he had was great.

The language and sex were really off-putting, though. I am by no means a prude, but this was simply put in there to be there. None of it really contributed anything to the movie. Quite literally, every other word was F--K and there were several in-depth descriptions of sexual positions, and quite a bit of nudity and groping in the first half.

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