
IMDb member since February 2005
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The Greatest Show Never Made

This was not what I was expecting... in a good way!
I really enjoyed this crazy and bizarre story. If you like really interesting bizarre pop culture stories like I am, you'll love this docu-series.

At its core, this story is about the bringing together of some lovely but vulnerable young souls in the strangest of ways...and a few little lies- where the bad guy isn't always a bad guy. Maybe just a broken kid who was trying to make something of his life and unknowingly and irresponsibly dragged others down and under in his wake.

A side note, I really loved the production of this show, the recreation of the apartment was so clever and was a really fun way to tell the story. Kudos to the production team for that one.

The Whale

WTH did I just watch...
I was expecting such a great movie coming from Darren Aronofsky, but omg... this was bad.

The dialogue was weak and sounded like a lifetime movie.

There was zero character building and I didn't care for any of the characters.

There was literally no storyline, or anything to keep me intrigued.

My partner and I battled to the end, we kept trying to believe that there had to be SOMETHING Oscar worthy here, SOMEWHERE?! But no.

I'm the biggest blubbering mess when it comes to emotional portrayals, I have been known to cry watching 30 sec tv adverts... but this had me crying tears of desperation only. Please put me out of my misery kind of tears!

If you're reading this and you haven't yet finished the movie.... Turn it off... it doesn't get better.

Cruel Summer

It was....alright
  • Story at the start got me intrigued and left my guessing until the end.

  • some great new and upcoming actors : Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut (who plays Ashley Wallis l, was by far the best young actress in my opinion.)
  • loved when it was set, the clothes, music etc
  • loved how the story was woven into different timelines
  • I really liked how the approached and touched on the nuances of child grooming.

  • omg it dragggeddd onnnn! Some episodes were just plain boring (could have been done in 6 eps nicely)
  • some of the acting and dialogue was laughable and cringey (but ok for a teen drama)
  • boring side stories that didn't need to be told and felt like it was trying to touch on hot topics just for the sake of it.

Side note: don't know why so much hate for Mallory character / actress - her character was suppose to be a little annoying and her acting wasn't any worse than any other actor in the show! Yes she looked a little older but I did go to school with other girls who looked far older than they were, so who cares. The parents looked too young too, but it's a teen drama, what do you expect?

I Care a Lot

Clearly people don't like women playing a villain
What's with the bad reviews?! I'm a huge movie buff and freakin loved this movie, start to finish. believe the user reviews must be some kind of sabotage ?! Maybe some male rights group got their knickers in a knot about it?! The movie was brilliant, clearly people don't like female leads portrayed as villainous. If it was a man in the lead role I'm sure there would be a totally different tone to this movie user review section. Rosamund pike was phenomenal. Watch it and make your own mind up.

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