
IMDb member since October 2013
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One Chance

Warms the heart, but does little else
This film scores highly for me because it was a heartwarming, endearing tale about Paul Potts, arguably the finest product from Britain's Got Talent. I feel that because I know his story, I got little out of the film-watching experience because I already knew what was going to happen. Corden, while a good fit for Potts, neither made me laugh as I expected nor delivered the emotion that I so desperately wanted to raise goosebumps on my skin. The dubbing of Potts' voice over Corden added credibility to the film, as well as the adaptation of Britain's Got Talent footage to Corden, the judging panel and Ant and Dec.

A film I would watch again for the feel-good factor, but little to rave about unfortunately.

Captain Phillips

Increased respect for actor already at the top
I came into the film having only seen Hanks in the Toy Story series and Forrest Gump (you could say I'm sheltered when it comes to watching films). My respect goes even further for Tom Hanks after watching this film considering that Forrest Gump is my favourite of all time.

Captain Phillips is thrilling, emotive and leaves you gripping the seat as if on a boat on the cusp of a wave. Hanks is exposed to give a very 'naked' performance - the camera is nearly always in his face and in saying that this film certainly isn't for the faint-hearted. The Somali pirates recruited for the film were particularly impressive given their limited (if any) acting experience, as well as the music which, if repetitive at times, added to the tension.

I urge you to watch this film as it will almost certainly be either your favourite Tom Hanks film or your film of the year. I would also recommend being in close proximity to a bar as a stiff drink will be required to wind down.

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