Reviews (104)

  • 14 June 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    The premise for this documentary seemed absolutely outstanding. Take the icons from some of the best 80s movies around and talk about an old controversy around the fire.

    But if that last line is the thing that got you to watch, there will be a bit of disappointment. Not only did they fail to really discuss the reason why the article tore them down mentally or emotionally (only that it did), they also did not manage to rally the full scope of the pack. Key players were missing, including Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald. Arguably the two most loved.

    I appreciated watching it and I'm glad that it was made. Since I'm offering my review I would say that it lacked in important areas of storytelling and casting. Not good, not bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I saw this film for the first time years ago, I hadn't any idea that it was based off of a true story. Without that information, it fell very flat for me and made no sense. I remember even being confused as to why Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Stewart would have signed on. It did not stick with me, and quickly left my mind.

    Fast forward to 2022 when 'The Jinx' came out on HBO. The story started to become familiar..... and then I noticed the director had the same name as that in "All Good Things". Bam.

    Robert Durst is a very interesting person and watching the first part of 'The Jinx' my jaw hit the floor and I ran back to this movie to see if we had any more information. While it didn't add anything new per-se it was nice to see it played out in a more dramatic capacity.

    Do you think Ryan would be coming back after his post-Ken era for a part two? Would Andrew Jarecki be so bold?- or maybe he will have grown tired by the man who has now blown his career into fandom. Time can only tell.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It took me a long time to get on the Shameless train - and it wasn't inspired by JAWs success in The Bear. I haven't been able to get on that one bc restaurant stress hits too close to home. Anyway.

    I think the show is unique in framing the American family as screwed up, but there for one another sort of. They're moody, forgiving, resentful and fresh... in the first 8 seasons.... After Fiona's departure I felt like a lot of the show fell into ridiculous storylines. They were ridiculous before her last season as well, but I was invested.

    It's not good, it's not bad, but just like with many other shows - don't know when to say when. 7/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Reading the reviews from this movie are interesting.

    The film gives itself away for what it wants to be with the Margaret Atwood quote at the beginning. Men don't want to be laughed at and women don't want to be murdered. So take that quote and jump off a cliff, but fall in slow motion and you'll have a good feel for Cat Person.

    As a woman in the dating world, I find it difficult to digest the fear that women live under. This coming from someone who has been molested and raped. Even in those experiences, I have never allowed myself to live in this much fear. Margot is not a heroine in my eyes (cannot tell if the writers were even angling for that honestly), but rather a girl who ruined a man's life because her brain has been poisoned to see the worst.

    Robert has his flaws (one of which he will never NOT be Greg (best double negative there)), but ultimately he's just a bumbling 33 year old who does probably watch too much porn. He didn't deserve to have his life ruined and no one would be able to convince me otherwise.

    I'm not clear on which view point the writers were catering to, but no matter what direction you look it's a slow film that builds to its end unremarkably. Margot still seems to be game for her psychosis and poor Robert is on the coast. Probably with his dog and cats.

    It's not terrible, but it's not good. But who am I to say? Everyone is a critic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore - what could go wrong? Apparently everything.

    When I saw this pop up on Netflix and checked the ratings in IMDB, I was excited to jump in and see what May December had to offer.....

    I was not pleasantly surprised. I found myself resting in something beyond boredom.

    We have all heard the stories of teacher / student sex scandal. This movie takes a a new approach. We see a couple that has succeeded that challenge and created a family. Now rendering attention from a movie producer / actress.

    It had all the bones to be successful - and the two leads did a great job with the material. Yet somehow it was not a compelling film. I'm not sure why or how it's rating this high. I was so bored it took me four tries to get through it.

    Everyone's a critic though... it might be for you, just certainly wasn't for me.
  • When I saw the ad for this and the star studded cast, it was instantly put into my watch list. This rainy Saturday was the perfect setting to enjoy the film.

    It was clear right away that the same director from "Homecoming" was behind the camera. His love of strange zooms, artistic shots that take up a bit too much time, and bold music that doesn't quite fit were all tip-top in their presence. There was also a nice movement of color. From blue, to white, to red.

    The plot was good. I think basing it off a common fear I believe most Americans have some where in the back of their minds, was brilliant.

    The acting was decent. I believe all of the younger actors could have been better, but everyone's a critic. To me their performances fell flat +/or were too much. The adults were fantastic and all delivered perfectly.

    Overall I would say this is a decent watch for movie lovers. It's not an Oscar winner but it wasn't trying to be. If there were a part 2, I'd be down to see how it plays out for sure.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    That was the biggest question I had after spending the five / six some odd hours investing in the show, based off of the 7.2 rating. I held out hard for that rating but now I'm simply starting to not pay that close of mind towards any ratings. This show providing case and point.

    While the acting and cinematography was on point, and even the overall plot a fun rather unusual twist for any viewer.... The length was for me what did it in, along with the ending left wide open. In a show that's strained itself to get to six episodes before revealing itself, it's beyond me then why they wouldn't advance with the material they had at the end to close it up astoundingly. Untapped Potential.

    In no way shape or form did this need to be a series. It would have suited itself much better to a movie. Half of the episodes delivered little to nothing towards advancing the plot. It would have been a decent watch if someone would have insisted it was shortened into a film OR decided to trim the entire thing to the first three episodes and then expanded on the Astro-projection / travel.

    Eg. What happens with Adam?

    Does Dan ever catch on?

    Why was Adele and Dans marriage so strained?

    Yes he thought she murdered someone .... He was a drug addict and she was a rich girl. Most people would write that off and not have unrelenting suspicion towards their wife.

    So, having her call at the same time, taking tranquilizers? Never saying I love you? Acting so disdainful to her?

    Towards the start of the show you think Dan is aware. That he knows what Adele is capable of. To only in the end reveal that he's clueless made it fall incredibly flat.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show has incredibly high ratings for a psychological thriller / horror. For the life of me, I cannot understand why.

    Part of me believes it's because users either pick up on or read about it's relationship to Dante's Inferno. Part of me believes that people don't know what to consider good when it comes to this category.

    However I'm going to spell out for you why within one scene - it's ridiculous.

    Episode 6. Dan is reviving this long lost tapes and he's put some things together about Kaelego, the cult, Melody and the bs of LMG. As he's re-watching the final tape again to put together the story, an alien like figure (presumably Kealego) starts to make its way out of the television itself.

    Dan freaks and takes a massive wrench to not one but four televisions. Working to stop the demon / god from entering the room. I mean smashing thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

    What would YOUR next move be? Personally, I see a demon / god coming out of a television screen I'm running as far away from it as possible. As would any other logical human being on the planet.

    But Dan? Nahhhhhh. He decides to head down to the basement archive, sheepishly smash his wrench into plastic case VHS (not going to do any damage - which you'd think an archivist would know how to destroy tapes right?) and pushing over the cases of tapes. There he discovers a crawl space covered with mold that leads to basement....: and heads right on down there.

    That's not happening - humans have base instincts and we would run.

    I love horror films, I love thinking of things unthinkable..... I would watch Nightmare on Elm Street a million times over this over wrought rubbish. IMO (which is just that) the writers forgot to think about how people would react and respond naturally and forced characters to do what no one would.

    The acting for the most part was also abysmal, aside from the lead.

    1/10 - I said what I said. Painful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film gives The Wolf of Wall Street meets Dopesick with a heavy dash of John Carter (iykyk).

    The acting from top to bottom was executed incredibly well. Emily Blunt held the screen brilliantly as she always does. Andy Garcia was a legend as always. I found beauty in the cinematography (but could have done without the mockumentary styling). I enjoyed the score. Point being.... It had incredible potential.

    However, in comparison to Dopesick, this film lacked the intrigue of that you'd want to see.

    It was hard to find a ton of empathy for Liza despite the desperation they attempted to evoke from her characters disposition. The sick daughter, the over the top mother (too type cast, my one casting squeamish). The living out of a hotel room. Even if all of these are details are actual facts, the way the story was delivered it didn't hit me with a feeling of a hero's journey.

    Liza Drake is no Jordan Belfort.

    But ONE BIG THING that is to note for me: I had never heard of Liza or Zanna or any of this scandal. In that sense, I'm grateful it was produced and that big pharma remains under attack in the media. I hope it continues, and creates lasting change against the greed and exploitation of companies who see people as $ signs.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I tried this show numerous times and could not get past the first two episodes. Only after I finished the House of Usher was a willing to give it another go.

    I agree with quite a few of the other reviewers that it is a slow burn. There are a lot of shots that are drug out beyond what felt necessary. The walk to the midnight Easter vigil being one of them. I appreciated the cinematography during it, but also felt that it leant itself to losing the audience more than building up to the big night.

    I do think that Flanagans take on this cross of bible and vampire was incredibly unique and deserves to be seen. It's a series that asks more of the viewer but I cannot say that's a bad thing.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    IMDb please hire me. I can make your company better.

    Now: I have not been much of one to watch many documentaries let alone murder docs. That said I have found myself in a rabbit hole of them lately and this one absolutely struck me.

    By my above statement, you could discern that I don't watch much mainstream news either. Probably because what we are inundated with is horrific stories such as these all the time. Going into the movie, I didn't know the story.

    It's hard to wrap your head around in the end. How someone who seems so straight and narrow, could become something else entirely. I don't believe this man deserves less than what he got, but I also don't personally hail Shannan as a saint. She did seem a bit dramatic and bossy (but don't we all at times?). She certainly didn't deserve this, nor does anyone.

  • I can't recall the first time I saw this but I believe it was close to its original release date. It didn't leave much of an impression circa 2005, but I loved Scarlett and wanted to see anything she was in.

    Watching this in 2023 I have a largely different impression. It actually boggles me that this was / is Woody Allen's favorite film he ever made.

    I'm not one to say what's what because these people are doing and I'm just writing critique..... but that's also what this aspect of the app is for.

    I found ALL of the acting to be awful, and I do believe a lot of it had to do with cadence, timing, and acting. The acting chemistry for all of the characters was not good. I didn't believe any of the "love" conversations. It felt like a B acting class.

    The story could have been better and the acting phenomenally more so. That's my synopsis.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The preview for this documentary made it seem like we were going to be witness to all our girl war in the world of Greek insanity. Not the case whatsoever.

    You follow a handful of girls who are not yet in the sorority, who can not yet articulate themselves well because they're in high school. They discuss their personal problems (all of them have "anxiety".)

    I'm fascinated that the director decided to include her self and the story of her alopecia. She spends time drawing parallels between her experience and these girls deciding to be a part of Greek life.

    What it feels like is that the documentary had an intention and the supposed "The Machine" shut it down by creating rumors. Personally that would have been a much more time worthy watch. "What is known is to be kept secret" - okay - write the film about that! That's entertaining.

    This in particular is boring and not well made or drawn together. #fail #rolltide.
  • It's hard not to compare and contrast 'Candy' with 'Love and Death', they are about the same crime and were released within (essentially) the same year.

    From what I have read, I believe Candy was focused more on the actual facts of the case and recreating history. In Love and Death, I believe it was more based on the emotional side of it.

    Many will disagree, but I ate with Elizabeth Olsen, I found her strange portrayal of Candy amazing. The perfect amount of church lady and devil. Plastic and very real.

    Jessica did a wonderful job, and this might be awful to say - who am I to judge anyone - the IRL Candy or Jessica freaking one of the prettiest women in the world Biel? But I found Jessica's intense life like portrayal made it almost hard to watch.

    Both did a great job. Wish I could switch out some characters for others!
  • This got a 4 star from me and I felt as though I was being generous. That generosity was a nod to the casting. That is however, aside from Kiera "I-can't-act" Knightly. She fails as our female protagonist as there's such little depth behind her acting.

    Anyone who is even remotely familiar with David Finchers works (such as Seven, Zodiac, or Mind Hunter) will at first glance be asking themselves if this film was created by him due to both the subject matter and the way in which is was shot...:

    Then a minute will pass before they realize, there is no way David Fincher would be this horrendously sloppy or choose such a dull script + score.

    A wonderful movie is not JUST about a decent story + screenplay. It's also about the tone that's set with music, lighting, editing and of course the actors on screen. Matt Ruskin obviously adores Fincher and wanted to create something memorable here, but I hope he realizes that no one can replicate a great. If you want to watch a film that acts as a homage to Fincher, look no further. If you're looking for a good movie, move along.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watch this film twice now. The first time I found myself mesmerized by the beautiful cinematography, and the absolutely captivating performance by Florence Pugh. However, there were a lot of unanswered questions that urged me to watch it once more.

    From the ground shaking that was never explained, to the airplane that no one seem to pay mind to.... I could go on, but what's interesting is I can't provide you any answers. Somewhere along the line either the writers or Olivia Wilde forgot to tend to the fullness of the storyline.

    I believe the story itself was one that was a good idea. I can understand why someone like Florence Pugh was drawn to the project. But I can also understand why she might not have been interested in attending the final premieres. There was a lot of extra editing to make the film, visually stimulating, but not enough depth to keep it afloat.

    If you want to go in for a one time watch of some thing that offers great acting on Florence Pugh's part in a story that's not completely easy to figure out, this would be a nice evening film. But to be prepared to walk away with questions that unfortunately will never be answered.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I feel slightly ridiculous in that, I'd done no research of this film (before purchase). So I had no idea I was going to be watching a love story that revolves around canabalism. That's cleared up within the first ten minutes of the film though.

    I found it interesting, difficult, beautiful, curious and captivating. Moving from 'Call Me By Your Name' to this was a shift - and at the same time it's an unconventional love story. Maybe not as different as it seems on the surface.

    I felt as though the beginning 45mins of the film could have used more. I wanted to feel the chemistry between Lee and Marem but at first, I wasn't sure they would even click. That was the one component that fell flat. However around when she returns to KT to find him, it starts vibing love.

    This film will not be for everyone. If you can handle something like 'Requiem for a Dream' this will be easy. If you don't like horror or gore, be on your way.

    My last BIG unanswered question is: Did she eat Lee, Bones and All? What about Sully? Did she eat him too? Bones and all? I want to know the ALL.
  • I follow Jessica Chastain on social networks and had seen some of the behind the scenes of this film months ago. Then it sort of scattered itself about and I didn't hear about it again, until it popped up on Hulu as a watch option.

    I adore Chastain greatly and will religiously watch anything she is in good or bad (The Good Nurse for example, was bad). That's what got me to watch, but by all accounts her character here, along with most all of the others, were dreadful. Not in how they acted, but who they were portraying themselves to be. Vapid.

    Ralph Fienness was the one who you watched learn and grow through the film and only by his characters growth + understanding was it not a loss.

    I do also understand that the audience might have lost a pulse on the storyline to catch the potent alternate ending exchange that happened in the car between Ralph and the Moroccan driver. If this scene was brushed over than the dynamic gravity of the film was too. I'm assuming leaving many viewers wondering why they watched.

    Ultimately, it's next to impossible to ask viewers to think and pay attention - so it all needs to be ace in order for real memory to attach. They had a lot here. Great setting, great cast, great story ... the execution fell short +

    with that it falls below redeemable IMDb grading. It's a great film if you like slow burns and don't dual screen watch. If you're in it for a thriller or adrenaline, pass.
  • 27 October 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Day by day, the rating for this keeps going down, and I think like many other viewers I now on episode six, understanding why.

    The concept is wonderful. That said, somehow the patient tends to feel not at all creepy or scary and at times, very slow. Which is saying something when episode run time is appx. 23 mins.

    I hate to say this but Domhnall Gleeson ... did not meet the mark. I have loved some of the previous work he's been involved in such as Ex Machina and Black Mirror. Maybe it's the fact the Netflix just aired 'Dahmer' and Evan Peters absolutely killed in (pun intended) and Domhnall cannot play on the same level.

    Sitting across from a serial killer, having watched him murder someone, I would hope to feel terrified. Sadly, I'm noticing little to no fear factor or even worry. Not sure how they managed to accomplish that given the premise.

    Steve Carell is the selling point in every way - but the intensified background on his story could have been included in the creep of the hour, Sam's, backstory. He's in therapy, I haven't learned anything about Sam that isn't base.

    The series started off strong. Great cast. Good concept. Feeling like "ohhhhhhh yes", but by episode five, bet - that you're a little bored.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I finished up 'and just like that recently, and wasn't sure where to place my thoughts.

    Then I stumbled upon a short thread that inspired me to read an article Kim Catrell had done with Variety Magazine regarding her departure from the forever amazing + classic Samantha Jones.

    Kim Catrell : "Everything has to grow, or it dies. I felt that when the series ended, I thought that's smart. We're not repeating ourselves. And then the movie to end all the loose ends. And then there's another movie. And then there's another movie?"

    The mail has been hit on the head, my sentiments align here. The third movie didn't fly off because KC wasn't investing, and this show feels to me now, like a car crash that's hard to look away from.

    I cherish the OG SATC. The funny thing is, a lot of the content in that series would not at all be considered PC @ this date and time. It almost feels like the new producers took that ju-ju, added in a little "we are going to kill off Big and watch Carrie grieve + grow while the others... change their sexual orientation (which Miranda did try out once before in season one and decided it wasn't for her...) and Charlotte being simply a glimpse into a really rich entitled woman's ridiculous woes + way too much plastic surgery.

    That's where the car crash comes in. Sarah Ramirez is from Greys. Came out there - has been v public in her voice and stance and choices and rights. Amen to that. Do you boo. Seeing her now Callie Torres in this role is weird. Adding into that the cosmetic surgery and perfect hair with aging bodies and aging being a story line coming in as a theme....

    It's so contrived.

    In my heart I believe this should have been put to rest after the first movie. It's hard to let go but, you don't have to if you're willing to compromise.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Of course, I grew up with the SATC crew throughout my college years. They never felt super close to me, but I loved the silliness and the fashion. Of course the ultimate love story of Carrie + Big.

    Both of the movies were pretty terrible, but I will admit that the first is better than the second and I'm grateful that they stopped the franchise there.

    As for AJLT, it's agenda is progressively post Covid New York woke democrat. Every hot topic was hit upon. Race, gender, death, pronouns. It's interesting because the old show would not hold up as easily in these times, but not much does.

    The plastic surgery on all of them is a bit hard to watch in this new show - as is getting them into my "they're now 55". They are doing pretty well with it though.

    The Miranda / Che relationship is absolutely over the top. I could have done without her entire presence but everyone's a critic.

    The oddity for me is I'm now the age they were in the OG. Maybe my review will be different in 15 years.
  • There's no way this show is for everybody. It's either you're into it or not. It's not pretending to be serious. But at the same time, it's always incredibly serious. Everything is live or die.

    I had a not-so-fun Covid experience. With the lethargy, I chose to rewatch this 'over a decade old' pop-iconic GG. At one point, Serena and Blair had ended their friendship foreve!!!!!. And by the time I woke up from a nap they were besties til death so them part (and the same story line was playing out between Vanessa and Dan).

    It's not of great substance. But it is of great style. It is not (always the best writing), but it has some hilarious plot lines + smart / witty moments (def many teams of writers at play).

    My age group (40), who loved The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, High Fidelity etc, this is the later version. You'll most likely dig it if only in secret.

    Nobody went into this show to win Emmy's. Like the Vampire Diaries (not that I've watched that to). These shows are straight up early 2000s soap operas. They're ridiculous.

    But THAT is why it's fun. If you love drama, fashion and can stand a little bad acting with a cast of entirely sexy (mostly) actors, then enjoy.

    It's like junk food.

  • If you want / need a feel good wish it was still the 80s and JH was still around film but he isn't, this will do.

  • If you are a fan of the first Top Gun, you'll like this. It absolutely does a wonderful homage to the OG, without being ridiculous or corny. Seeing a glimmer of Ed Harris and Val Kilmer was an absolute plus. Miles Teller did a great job. Overall it is worth seeing - you'll walk away having e joyed a feel good action movie.
  • Listen, this movie has stood the test of time. From the soundtrack to the cast to the story it all works beautifully. It's not a deep film, it doesn't try to be. You have your happy moments, your victory's, your failures, your losses, your hero's - and of course a love story. It's entertainment at its finest honestly. This is what I miss about new movies. It's just classic on the edge of your seat cinema.
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