Reviews (2)

  • When I first heard about this film, my first thought was - I'm going to hate it. I really like Monty Python, it had nothing to do with the fact that they were in it - I just thought I would hate it as I don't usually like it when animal characters are played by humans and don't look anything like the animals. Only when I watched this film (12 years after it was made) did I realize that was actually the point.

    Terry Jones is a fantastic Toad. He's got his personality and attitude to a T. Ditto for Badger, Ratty and Mole. The film is rather a comical version of the book, and whilst it stays along the same lines, there are a lot of changes of the storyline. Bits are added, and bits are removed...but I can say i was never once bored while watching this! Go ahead and check it out - I'm glad I did!
  • A brilliant musical offering well worth watching. Whether you like it or not all depends on taste; If you're like me and could watch and listen to Julie Andrews forever, it's for you. The rest of the cast is also fantastic, with Mary Tyler Moore as sweet Miss Dorothy and Beatrice Lillie as the hilarious Mrs Meers, and how could we forget Carol Channing as the fabulous Muzzy? Many people seem to have negative views on this movie; To others, it's great. If you're looking for deep, meaningful and heavy stuff, this probably isn't the movie for you. If you're looking for light, fluffy fun, come and bask in the glory of "Thoroughly Modern Millie"!