
IMDb member since November 2013
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Bunheads, a very appropriate title as it does focus on a group of 4 ballerinas and their teachers. What really grabbed me from the start was the fact that it followed in the Gilmore Girls show path, in more way than one. Many lovable characters were brought in from that show but what I truly loved was that this was another quick wit, keep you on your toes dialogue. Michelle, who enters town as a stranger, becomes the center of the show quickly and keeps you on your toes (pun not intended) with her quick wit, humor yet also keeps your interest when she's in a "down" mood. That doesn't happen often. Her mother in law, played by Kelly Bishop, is eccentric yet also down to earth. A relationship that starts very rocky turns around slowly. I like that they did it in real life mode, not made them love each other within 3 shows. I found all of the characters endearing and was as hooked on it as quickly as I was to Gilmore Girls. The 4 main ballerinas, whom are high school students, are endearing. They face life's true problems just like any other high school girl. I highly suggest you watch this if you haven't yet. *if you haven't seen this show, DON'T READ THIS!* I'm still left wondering why they cut this show short. Everyone that I talked to who watched this show, loved it! I really was hoping they'd reconsider and bring it back but it's been obvious to me for a while now that isn't going to happen. It's hard to find shoes like these and was really disappointed when I learned there would be no more Bunheads. It was a great show for my daughter and I to watch together, she's now 21. It wasn't just for the high school crowd. Bummer!

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