
IMDb member since November 2013
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    10 years


Warrior Nun

Desperate attempt to offend anything
Worst rip-off of Nude Nuns With Big Guns. Acting was woeful which actually helped as the characters were designed to be wishy-washy traitors to whatever causes came up in n the swamp of the plot. So many inconsistencies that I would need pages to record with main character special "talents/abilities" variants messing with your head. You cannot root for anyone or anything except for the unsatisfying end. Romance is missing as is intelligence and focus. Pieces of the puzzle of the story never quiet fit together and certain characters are just "lost" to the story!

I'm trying not to be a spoiler in case you decide to go with the 7 out of 10 rating on this site, but please watch Nude Nuns With Big Guns first and then be a judge.

My Holo Love

Too many flaws
Not the best Kdrama. Key issues are not done well. For example, NaN-do's mother's suicide; through a fence, down a hillside and suffocated??? Worst medical examiner ever! There are many more which ruin the series.


Comic book thriller
Amazon reaches with Reacher! Jack is wack, a smug thug and All-American (All-Amazon) hero hulk of little phases and less acting. I was desperate -Don't reach for it!


Pulpy badness
Cliche driven shootim-up with multiple nudity attractions, ridiculous (campy) violence punctuated with poor acting (over-reach in crying and punchline delivery). I cannot believe why this is loved. I like sex, violence and action but ........

Don't Look Up

A Scientist Laughs
I a 73 year old scientist loved this mirror of where we are going in science credibility and political astuteness. I highly recommend this future classic to anyone interested in the clashes among a "celebrity culture", a "narcissistic society" and the "science knowledge divide" which controls our destiny and fortunes.


Nice and different
The background is the key to the rating. A good idea for premise and some characters of interest just needs more levels of creativity in the writing and plots. If it returns I'll give it another shot but I feel like the writers have a "block" for better character development and storyline.

Resident Alien

Stupid Drivel
Watched all of season and could not believe the idiocy and poor characters. Ended with many questions and further stupidity. The good rating made me try this slopfest and I waited and wanted for the show to earn the favorable review but.....

Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich

What were they trying to hide?
This film is all about how good science and breakthrough science confounds and threatens society. What did Dr Reich do wrong? What were the fears of the officials? Too many questions means a Great picture!


US Patent system gone wrong
Watch this movie and "Newman" to get a sense of the dysfunction of the US patent system.


The patent office issue is the key to this movie!
No matter if Mr. Newman's machine "invention" was nonsense or not, the legal account is REAL and factual. Reviews said yes, experts picked by the patent office said ye, but he was denied! Why? This is what leads to conspiracy theories and Mr. Conrad should be more careful in his reviews. My 10 is to counter his "missing the point". Why didn't physicists kill this "nonsense" when the had the chance - too lazy, too busy or couldn't find something wrong?

Combine this movie with "Invalidate" another about the US patent BS and you have a compelling view of cognitive dysfunction among scientists and the IP legal system

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