
IMDb member since February 2005
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    IMDb Member
    19 years



We should demand better
OK, this movie was just thrown together, poorly thought out, and well just lazy.

1. Why not keep jumping back in 10 minute intervals? Why not make 2 devices with two slipstream radio towers or whatever the hell that was that was reversing the entire world from a radio tower????

2. Anything you touch goes with you? OK morons, you're touching the ground which touches the person next to you which touches EVERYTHING.

3. At the very last scene when it reverses you see him get shot outside of the bus and also the shake is thrown on his clothes at the bank from the girl. OK, that was in the original time line that he ERASED!! The shake was the only decent special effects they even had in it so they just HAD to show it again even though the completely ignored that it doesn't make sense. Just lazy LAZY LAZY!

4. THE SPECIAL EFFECTS SUCKED!!!! Oh, look at me, I can push rewind. Let's pause it for 20 seconds and waste time then rewind, wow we're such geniuses.

5. Can't all these government officials tell that he is activating the device? It sits there forever warming up and is controlled from a radio tower. Can't they simply shut it down???

6. How does flying in high elevation make it possible to bypass the 10 minute mark? He said it was impossible, but all of a sudden realizes it's not because they're 10,000 feet in the air? Excuse me?

I could go on and on and on and on about the holes in this story but I've already spent enough time and my blood pressure is rising.

This is the crap that I would expect from someone trying to milk lotr for every penny. They advertised the hell out of having Sean Aston in the film, that's the only reason it was even on the air. I would give anything to have that 2 hours of my life back and I feel stupider for watching it. The story is just completely full of holes. It's all based on time travel but is poorly thought out and just does not make sense at all.

If you're going to make a time travel movie, at least put SOME thought into it. They basically decided "push a button, go back in time. Who cares if it doesn't make sense, it's so k-rad cool doood!". LAME

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