
IMDb member since November 2013
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    10 years


Finding You

Tears for the Beauty
Movie finished, I had tears. The love story wasn't so remarkable, but seeing the changes in the characters was worthwhile. I was interested in the movie because I was a classical musician who needed to find a voice, and my wife is a fan of romance movies. The photographer captured the incredibly beautiful Irish countryside, including the little town, the castles, the rain... And brought it back to the movie set and the characters working together. I loved the supporting characters as well. More real than stereotypes, I've know people like them. "Not to tell stories, mind you, but ..." And the Shamus character. I loved how he came to life while playing the fiddle. I know they were actors sharing scenes, but it was so lovely seeing him convincingly challenging the heroine to relax and play from the heart. The music was gorgeous too and not overdone. It was a really wonderful Friday night movie with my wife. See it.

Marry Go Round

Do people really talk like this?
I really like the actors. The scenery is beautiful. There is an unpredictable twist in the story. The story has my attention notwithstanding my predisposition to want to make fun of Hallmark Romances because of their predictable tropes.

I just never see people express themselves in real life like they do in these movies. This is life, polished. It is refreshing to see people willing to affirm past friendship and to forgive willingly. Real life seldom unfolds this way as far as I know it.

With all that said, Marry Go Round is an engaging and enjoyable Hallmark Movie so long as you enjoy fantasy movies without wizards and dragons. Great eye candy. Enjoy it. Just don't expect it to reflect on real life. But that's why we watch these movies isn't it?

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