
IMDb member since February 2005
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Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Has Boldly Gone Where No Movie Has Gone Before
Quite simply one of the best star trek movies made. Robert Wise has come up trumps again following the classic THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. A powerful alien cloud has destroyed three powerful Klingon vessels in one swipe and is headed for Earth. Kirk and co. return to face the entity in the USS Enterprise, refitted after it's legendary five year mission.

The first thing that hit me when I first saw this on beta-max twelve years ago (I still had the machine and the tape of the TV version then and still have it now!) was the music. It was hauntingly beautiful. It felt as though it BELONGED in the movie. Although the theme was used throughout in many altered versions, the main theme used at the end was the best version. Not only was it graceful, but it stuck in your mind long after the movie had finished. Many a time I found myself whistling the tune without knowing it. The special effects were mind blowing when I first saw it and, I suppose, still are (The little kid in me still thrills when he sees them!) even though I am now twenty-two. The video version is a good film. A bit difficult to follow (considering that they only had a few months to film the movie AND do the special effects!) but still a good movie. Now the DVD version comes along and the movie gets a rebuff. Recut, re-scored and new effects, Robert Wise's vision finally got the version it deserved Twenty-six years after it was released. Side by side, the Directors edition wins because it's more understandable, the effects are better than before, it moves along at a cracking pace and is all the more better for it. On the other hand, the video version also wins because it is a testament of human endeavour to get something done on time and that the effects were the best at the time (and I suppose still are!). If you can, get hold of the 1979 video version and the 2003 DVD version and compare them for yourself. I just think both versions are cracking pieces of entertainment in their own right.

AVP: Alien vs. Predator

The ultimate tussle..and we are in the middle!!
I have to give Paul W.S. Anderson credit. He can do some pretty incredible things in his movies. Where as Event Horizon was a near gore-fest, Alien Vs. Predator lets you imagine what it might be by not letting you see it, by doing quick cuts. It leaves a lot to the imagination. Thing is, if this is supposed to be the prequel to Alien (as I have read on numerous sites) how does the alien get on to LV426? Still, they might leave that for the sequel (hopefully!). The CGI effects are better than those in Resident Evil but I got the feeling that they were trying to rush the movie to cash in on the two franchises of Alien and Predator. Also, it's too short (101 mins for us brits) and the fights don't last long enough. What there is, it's a quick stab and thats it. Over. Finito. Although, look away now, the final fight is quite awesome but again it's quite short. As soon as it's started, blink and it's over. But, Paul Anderson can take even the worst script and make it a belter (Resident Evil again). Although, the characters don't have enough emotion to them at all. It dosen't seem to want you to like them. On the up side, the Predators weapons are cool enough. The new spinning blade is a novel touch. I just wish that they kept the blade from Predator 2 as well. Now that WAS something. This shoulder cannon has now had a stunning blue shine added to it and has been given some oomph to it. But it isn't that bad problems aside. There is a fair lot in it. But they've compacted it too much and should have given it room to 'breathe'and mature, shall we say.

Star Trek: Nemesis

Cool effects!
The tenth film in the series is more darker in tone than the rest, with a screenplay written by a star trek fan. Starring the next gen crew in, possibly, their last movie, the plot revolves around starfleet receiving a message from the romulans saying they want peace after so long. Dispatching the USS Enterprise under the command of Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) to answer the message, they find a ship called the Scimitar commanded by Praetor Shinzon (Tom Hardy). He lets slip a secret about himself that shocks Picard to the core and what ensues is the mother of all battles. Being that this was wrote by a fan, it actually contains what I personally thought should be in a Trek movie. It makes me think that I should write a screenplay for a trek movie myself. The special Effects are better than in First Contact (though you can't beat the bit where the enterprise flys past the Borg cube. Great stuff!!!!), the story, as I said before, is that bit darker and all the more better for it. Climatic battles, running around the bad guys ship with small corridors is like watching a star trek version of doom, a sinister evil character was a novel idea. The acting is quite strong with the original characters fitting back into their roles with ease apart from Ron Pearlman who we do not see enough of. He looks wasted in a role that looked like it was for him. The fight with him and Jonathan Frakes seemed too short. The phaser shoot outs on the Enterprise aren't adrenaline filled enough. But the one who shines is Tom Hardy. He is excellent as Praetor Shinzon. He plays it with panache. There is good bit of humour though especially with Data (I won't say what because for those who haven't seen it I don't want to spoil it!) The direction was good enough with editing master Stuart Baird at the helm, apart from the niggles earlier. If you are looking for a good scrap, take a goosey gander. If not, try the other star trek films. They are all good in their own right.

Bottom Live

Bloody funny.
Squalid, Violent and Downright Hilarious! It certainly is. Excessant fart jokes, fights with frying pans and cricket bats, shooting a t.v with an old service revolver, eating old special k cereal, sniffing old milk!!!???!!! It just goes to show that these guys are comic geniuses. Even though the stage shows are basically the same, you don't really care because they are just so damn bloody funny. Every time you watch, you blow yourself up with laughter without the help of Eddie!! The funniest part is with Richie getting frustrated with a sex aid. That said, the a**e up's during the show are just as funny because they are unintended. The TV show and the stage shows are genius and if you can get hold of them, they are worth it. If you want to poo yourself stupid with laughter, settle down in front of the telly, whack the video in, phone people and tell them to get lost for the next two hours. You will never see anything like it.

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