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One Piece

Don't invest because Netflix cancel
After eight fantastically creative episodes, Netflix, in their bizarre, strangely, typically idiotic decision, have decided to cancel One Piece. Why? Because its a fantasy series and that's what Netflix do. They always cancel great, fun, expensive fantasy series.

Shadow and Bone - cancelled Lockwood and Co - cancelled Dark Crystal - cancelled.

Netflix can't help themselves.

My advice is - don't invest your time because you're left on a cliffhanger and there will be no season 2. Netflix say one thing and do another.

Watch the original anime version. There's loads of them.

Don't get me wrong.... this is great TV but I want stories to be finished.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

A tour de force
If you're familiar with the book then this short animated movie needs no introduction.

Produced by titans J. J. Abrams and Woody Harrelson this coloured, animated version of Charles Mackesy's book is a tour de force of animation, voice acting and storytelling.

A tale of loneliness, despair, and longing, if this film doesn't tug at your heart strings then I don't know what will.

We're living in difficult times and I don't know anyone that hasn't suffered from some sort of mental health problem in recent times. Watching this just might help you. I believe this could be the new Snowman and will be a regular fixture on TVs for years to come.

Shin Gojira

Good if you like watching boardroom meetings
As dull films go this is up there with the best. It's basically 2 hours of japanese suits in a boardroom arguing. Unfeasibly dull doesn't even begin to describe. I turned it off before Godzilla even turned up. Life's too short to waste your time with this nonsense.

My advice is watch the Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen movie, followed by Kong Skull Island, Godzilla King of the Monsters and Godzilla versus King. These films are exciting, visually stunning and won't send you into a coma like this one will. Even the Matthew Broderick version is better than this and that was universally panned by everyone.

The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun

Unwatchable drivel
For me the Grand Budapest Hotel is one of the finest films ever made. Alas, The French Dispatch is one of the worst. Utter drivel. Not funny. Forcibly quirky.

I turned it off after sitting through the movie equivalent of root canal. I lasted 40 minutes.

Like a two week old loaf of bread - best left alone.

Artemis Fowl

Some of the Worst Acting you'll ever see
Robert Shaw was one of the world's best actors. His grandson is one of the worst. They could have cast a plank of wood and it would have given a better performance. Did they not audition any other kids? Some serious nepotism going on with this casting.

Aside from good old pinnochio playing the lead and the fact it deviates from the book on so many levels it's got some good performances from Josh Gad and the young girl playing Holly Short.

But my advice would be leave it. Read the books.


Oh dear !
If you like Playstation 2 quality CGI and woefully bad acting (especially Ed Skrein) then this is the film for you. I managed to get about 30mins in before realising I'd rather have root canal treatment, an enema, and open heart surgery at the same time without anesthesia than continue watching this abysmal effort of a movie. Do yourself a favour and avoid this more than Covid.

Queen & Slim

Good movie
Amazing film. Brilliant actors. Beautifully directed. Wonderful script. Superb soundtrack. Stunningly shot.

See this film. Open your eyes, heart and mind. Cannot wait to see more from the writer and director.

Excellent work!


No wonder he won an oscar
Probably one of the best movies about mental illness ever made. Joaquin is tremendous in the role of Arthur - suffering from years of neglect, abuse and bullying he finally does a Michael Douglas in Falling Down and it's a sight to behold.

It's not as violent as the media would have you believe. Films like John Wick are far more violent. The killings in this are much shorter, less action packed, and are a lot more real.

Excellent performances all round.

Probably the best DC movie to date. Roll on Joker 2

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