
IMDb member since December 2013
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Law & Order: Driven
Episode 5, Season 18

Who's to really blame!!!
This whole case is smoke and mirrors. The "Real Question" was never asked!

It started with the Black kid taking the white kids basketball. This question was never asked in the course of the trail. "Why did they have to take the ball? Why did they have to start trouble in the first place." Then the black kid lied about taking the ball to the police.

There would have been no problems had there been no confrontation over someone taking the ball.

Why should one person who is being bullied stand back and and take it (and not fight back) and the bully get away with being a bully? That is all wrong.

The basketball court was in a public park, and EVERYONE had equal right to plat on the basketball court. Not just one group of kids over the other group of kids.

I feel as a mother with two kids, that my kids would have had as mush right to play in this park as much as Anyone Else's kids.

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

The show WAS great.......NOW VERY LAME!!!
As Ziva David, Tony Dinnozo, And Abby Have left the show, the show has become very lame and very uninteresting. Tony once said, "We need the Pa. Now I know what He was referring to.

All the PA's have left the show, and we are left with D- Characters. Basically kind of toward being a clear F in my opinion.

The TV Show has lost it's spark, which is very sad. When the show first aired it had a freshness to it and I really liked it a lot (Actually gave it 8/10 Stars) Now I would only give it 4/10 Stars.

We have decided not to continued to watch this in the following Season(s) to come.

I wish the Characters well in the future Season(s)


Very well done everyone involved
I've watched this movie twice now, and both times I was sickened by what rich people with money really have the ability and power to do. IT WAS AN EYE OPENER!!!! It's obvious to me that DEBS review on this movie was NOT EVEN CLOSE to what the movie is showing us. The FACT that DEBS reviews only shows us SHE DOESN'T LIKE ASHLEY JUDD!!!!!

DEB unfortunately missed the entire point of the movie!!!! (WEIRD). IT IS SAD!!!

I feel this movie showed us a 100,000 billion dollar point of view here with organs, drugs, and Human Trafficking.

In my Opinion, this movie woke me up to what is not only going on around the rest of the world, but going on in our own COUNTRY.

I feel the actors did a wonderful job in portraying the defiling, inhuman acts by men and women both on this subject.

Star Trek Into Darkness

The writer's of this movie did not use original ideas
As it seems like the movie takes a lot of the "Wrath Of Khan" writer's ideas and injects them into this Movie "Into Darkness". The Movie seemed like it no Original thinking behind it. The writer used quotes from the "The Wrath Of Khan" in the Movie "Into Darkness" The Actor's were well cast. In the "Star Trek" TV series Spock never shows emotions at all, where as in the Movie "into Darkness" they have Him all over the place with emotions. Lt. Uhura In "The Undiscovered Country" could not speak the "Klingon Language....was as in "Into Darkness" She is an expert in the Language...So the the writing is inconsistent as well as not being an Original Idea. The review was low, because of previous statements.

The special and visual effects were good

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