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Interesting "Origin Story", but they've done her a disservice
I feel like they've overdone it in trying to portray how her appearance was judged. I have no doubt that she was deemed to unattractive to be on TV. Still happens today I'm sure.

However, they have made the character appear almost twice the size she was. Go back and watch the original first series. She's no where NEAR that big. She looks like your average woman.

I get that the story is trying to make the point that she was seen as "hefty", but this portrayal is somehow much worse.

If the moral of the story is don't judge a book etc. , they've missed the mark.

Being the Ricardos

Could have been an interesting story but.....
I watched it for almost an hour and just couldn't finish. The casting was all wrong. And that's really a shame because they are all very good actors that were just wasted in this.

And as much as I really like Nicole, she needs to stop whatever she's doing to her face. She looks like a piece of waxed fruit.

Call Me Kat

Why????? Just watch Miranda.
When I first saw the commercial I thought it didn't look funny at all. But I read that it was based on "Miranda" so I decided to try it. NOPE. I watched for about 15 minutes and turned it off. I absolutely love Miranda. I've watched it multiple times and still laugh out loud. I highly recommend it to EVERYONE. And I adore Miranda Hart in everything she does. Her books are wonderful as well. But this was just not good at all. I'm just so sad that they did such a poor job with this version. She deserved better.


Be gorgeous and rich, or you'll die alone??
I'm on the 3rd ep and it's just ridiculous. He's a schoolteacher and she's a commercial artist/graphic designer. Everyone has a great career and lives in a million dollar modern house. So I guess the takeaway is you only deserve your soulmate if you're under 50, make a 6 figure salary and are model good looking. It was a fantastic premise, but the execution is horrible.

Will & Grace: Eat, Pray, Love, Phone, Sex
Episode 1, Season 11

Ok what????
Why on earth would you make Grace pregnant? She's 50 if she's a day. Even if you shaved a few years off....it's still ridiculous. The odds of her getting, and remaining pregnant at that age are slim to none. They just seemed to skip right over all of that.


Surprisingly funny
Found this randomly on HBO max and I'm glad I gave it a try. It's a fun watch and I actually laughed out loud a few times.


So far so good.
I like sci/fi and supernatural shows. I also love the King's previous shows. The first episode was enough to keep me watching for sure. However, the scariest part for me personally was that she has 4 kids🤣🤣

Star Trek: Discovery

Interesting addition to the Star Trek world
I've been a serious fan for over 40 years and I don't get all the hatred in some of these reviews. Do I LOVE it? No. But I think it's an interesting story. And I found it way more enjoyable than Enterprise. I couldn't make it through even 5 episodes of that series. If you go into it expecting it to be the same as TOS or TNG, or even DS9, then you're going to be disappointed. Just watch it as it's own story, as an addition to the other interpretations and it's not bad. My BIGGEST complaint is that you have to pay a regular broadcast network in order to watch it. CBS has more than enough money already I'm sure.

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