
IMDb member since December 2013
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Whitney: Can I Be Me

Eye Opening
At one point in my life, Whitney was the woman with the voice that made me long to be a singer. I absolutely idolized her. Her struggles with drug addiction was so disappointing to me, as was her death as a result of that struggle.

For me, this was an extremely honest, eye opening documentary that made me both sad and angry. We were always lead to believe Bobby was who got her into drugs. Finding out that she'd been doing drugs since she was a child - in my opinion - is a game changer. And the fact that her family took massive advantage of, and controlled, her, all the while enabling her addiction is just absolutely sickening. As for her relationship with Robyn, it's a damn shame the relationship couldn't have been what it should've been able to be.

For those who gave low scores on this documentary... Sometimes the truth isn't pretty. It can be ugly. It can be hard to hear. Sometimes it's just downright sad. It doesn't make it wrong to tell the story. In fact, sometimes it makes it more important for the story to be told.


I can't even finish it....
This is one of the rare movies that took me a long time getting around to. Truth be told, I only got around to it because I'm working from home and it happened to come on as I work in my office. Figured I'd leave it on to see if it's as good as it was made out to be. After all, it was nominated for a bunch of Oscars, so it's got to be good, right? NOPE.

So, here I am, 30 minutes in. It's so bad, I've got to change the channel. There aren't many films I find so awful, and I'm so annoyed, that I've got to turn it off, but it's got to get off my TV. This movie is absolute garbage.

I'm not sure what all you Fargo lovers see in this movie, but you can keep it.

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