
IMDb member since March 2005
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    19 years



The truth is an offence but not a sin
...but the truth is proper, laugh-out-loud, funny!

If you've spent your adult (or even teenage) life having run-ins with Britain's, London-based Metropolitan Police, Babylon will resonate like real life.

It's quick-witted, sharp and cutting.

Taken from the Biblical term for evil-doers, Babylonians, the film's title is apt and the script, directing and acting are down-right funny!

From the honest commissioner, through to the modernist and radical, American PR woman, the armed response unit, the infamous, rapid response and mobile TSG (Territorial Support Group) who in real life often haven't the foggiest idea of where they are or what they're doing, right through to the over-zealous constable (a euphemism), Babylon exposes the Met police for what they are.

Death at a Funeral

A pleasing and harmless romp
With the 2007 original containing an all-white mainly British cast, this remake with it's mainly black/African-American cast is clearly aimed at a larger audience.

It succeeds in matching the original blow for blow in terms of comedy and much of the credit for this I think goes to the writer.

With the action taking place primarily in a single location, this film has much of a stage feel about it - much like the original. And like any staged effort, adaptations and other renditions should be welcomed and warmly received.

90-minutes well spent.

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency: The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
Episode 0, Season 1

Africa, at her seductive best
Gentle, heart-caressing and unpretentious, the No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is the beautiful, acclaimed TV film of Precious Mambotswe, from the even more acclaimed, charming series of stories by Alexander McCall Smith.

Mambotswe is the only female detective in Botswana and, as such, the number-one female detective in the land. She is played by stunning and understated, Jill Scott who is perfectly cast in the role.

The film is an undemanding stroll, packed with gentle-suspense, wit and warm understanding, through an Africa known and loved by many.

The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is a delightful and memorable watch.

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