
IMDb member since December 2013
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


Boys Before Friends

Don't be rude
Before you start saying bad things about this show please read this. I sent them a rude message and then immediately apologized because i realized my mistake. this was the response i got. I feel awful. "Hi, I'm one of the writers on the show and I have to say your comments and everyone else's are very hurtful. Thank you for saying you are sorry. One of the things we want to point out is that this project was largely made with our own funds because when we went to big networks we were told that there is no market for Anime, KDrama and that it would not fit into American culture. With so many negative comments online about the small project we have put out, it is making sure that no other company in America will touch it so we are going to be stuck with things like Gossip Girl. This is a low budget project but even with that, the creators of this series have put in over $250,000 of their own money to try and get the project done. Please take that into consideration when you are watching the next episodes. We are doing this out of love for a series as well as wanting to start a new era of television. Instead of the fans helping us, all they are doing is making us want to give up and prove Big Networks right that this is not worth their time."

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