
IMDb member since December 2013
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Last Ounce of Courage

Limited understanding of separation between church and State
Saw the whole movie on you tube so if your interested you can watch it.

Not much to say about this movie First of the acting was mediocre but if feel the actors couldn't have done better since the characters have very little development and are pretty one dimensional.

Kids can't take a bible to school? In the movie Christians have had freedoms taken away but its nothing like reality. The ACLU-big shot lawyer villain has the debating skills of a 6th grader. Christmas trees unconstitutional ...why? the trees are completely secular and have nothing to do with religion. This whole war on Christmas is such a joke that it makes this movie a joke. I say Merry Christmas to everyone and sometimes I get a happy holiday back but my Merry Christmas hasn't bothered anyone and their happy holiday doesn't bother me both people wish each other well is a good thing no matter what is said. Should I feel offended if some one wish me Happy Hanukkah.

This movie has no understanding of the First Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

can't have teachers leading prayers in school but you can't keep kids from praying in school as long as it done in there own time. Also the makers of this film seem to forget that separation of church and state while not directly said in the First Amendment but that Thomas Jefferson wrote that "...thus building a wall of separation between church and State" and that this was first used in the supreme court back in 1879.

U.S. Supreme Court. In Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments "may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the First Amendment." So I guess the this film knows better then one of our founding fathers.

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