
IMDb member since January 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


Boys Before Friends

Not bad for what it's worth
I'm not going to lie, the lines were a little forced; one character was having an odd hair day; and more needed to be done to set up background info; but for being a low budget soap opera (meaning it will have multiple episodes. It can't just spend all it's money at once like a movie or have lots to spare like a TV funded show) it's pretty good and the first episode follows the anime and Korean drama almost to the T.

Of course some things were changed. I presume they're in college rather than high school. F4 was changed to fortunate rather than flower (because Flower 4 would sound straight up stupid in America) but otherwise nothing too different that made it as horrible (as other reviewers said). I'm giving this it 9 stars not because it's worth 9 (right now more of a 6-7) but to counteract the bad scores given to it simply because it's an American remake. These actors and writers are trying really hard and it although it's not the best you can tell their is a lot of passion going into this. So if you aren't familiar with the Hana Yori Dango series at all or you were interested in BBF but heard negative things, go for it.

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