
IMDb member since January 2014
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Almost broke my screen giving this movie 10 stars
It's 12 years old. I don't know how I haven't seen it yet. But it was worth the wait. Great storyline. Masterful performances by all involved. Music was executed perfectly-especially the climax and denouement of the film. This film left me broken. This is a master class in passion, emotion, harboring rage, anger, resentment, and finally just letting it all go right before you explode. Tom Hardy was the only person that could play the role of Tommy. Nick Nolte was nominated for an Oscar but after seeing his performance, I don't understand how he didn't win. Hats off to the writers and the director.


Our society just sucks.
I'm 40 years old. On the precipice of "old school," I am right in the middle of the tradition and progressive debate. I remember how the FCC was a conservative agenda set forth to censor artistic progress because it was "offensive" and this was rightly combated by our liberal societies. Now, we liberals get so offended by every damn thing that we are basically crying for censorship. Just because an antagonist has DID doesn't mean this is exploitative. How about the fact that James McEvoy was incredible in the role. This is Malcom Gladwell's "Tipping Point," from Hell. I loved this film. I was grossed out by the pedophilia. I was disturbed by the antagonist eating people. I was immensely entertained. You petitioners are killing art.


The Hero We Deserve
Yes. This movie is saturated with propaganda. But the way this film is fantasized, that is what art is all about. The negative reviews on here tell me that people are sick and tired of hearing about an unfinished story. But it must be told. I thought this film was bold, brilliant, and beautiful.


I don't like to laugh in horror movies
There were some positives. I liked the score though it felt a little out of place. CGI and makeup were pretty spot on.

I have this gift of guessing the endings of movies. Sad to say, I figured it out here too. The story was predictable. The acting was really bad. The writing was worse than the acting. But the worst was the "twist." Which again, I called midway through the movie where our hero becomes a mighty morphing power ranger from hell and the climax where "Gabriel" gets locked in the prison of their mind. My wife and I just looked at each other and laughed. I may have lost all faith in the horror genre.

Terminator: Dark Fate

Really people?
This is exactly what to expect in a Terminator film. For those of you calling this the worst one, you clearly didn't see the garbage of a film called Terminator Salvation. I've now watched this movie 3 times. There is humor, introduction of new fun characters. The feminine strong movement is subtle and not in your face propaganda. The cgi is really cool. I love the new villain terminator. The introduction of an augmented human. Yes, it is sort of the retelling of other stories but I would put this above salvation (of course) genysis (the best part of that movie is Emilia Clarke's reincarnation of Sarah Connor) and Rise of the Machines (which had one cool scene at the very end when the film score highlighted an apocalypse with pure beauty). This film wasn't great. But it was damn sure good.

The Prom

Ode to the pretentious:
Somewhere along the way, the patronizing general American audience dusted off a fedora they found in the back of their closet. They plopped it on their heads and they became eye-rolling, over analytical movie critics. Keyboard warriors. Telephone tough guys. Unfortunately, your venomous egos have found your way to this movie.

Ironically, you've attacked the agenda of the material. Granted, I will give you "Love Thy Neighbor." Aside from the impressive dance number, it was underwhelming. But you stand alone everywhere else. I don't believe the agenda of the actors was self-motivated. I believe James Corden has left us with his BEST work- gay men play straight men all the time. It is NOT offensive for a straight man to play gay- it is not over the top either. It is ornamental but I know plenty of PEOPLE who are. Nicole Kidman: nailed. it. Meryl Streep: typical. Typically wonderful. Keenan: a breath of fresh air. There wasn't a stale performance. I absolutely adored this film. In a year when cinema needed heart, we got it with The Prom.

Fahrenheit 11/9

Bravely unbiased and unapologetic.
I've now watched this film 4 times. If you think this is propagated material, you're wrong. No politician is safe as Moore does his best to expose just how corrupt our most hated-and our most loved politicians can be. With a silent climax that leaves you not wanting to be the one to break that silence, the message resonates beyond the film's run time. Let this movie inspire you to fight to take our country back from the greedy political game. I hope this movie scares you like it did me.

Hunting JonBenet's Killer: The Untold Story

Ok, this just felt like throwing darts at a dartboard while wearing a blindfold. Poorly produced and misleading. Absolutely no truth or closure to this investigation. Terrible.

Little Boy

Some movies make my eyes water...
This movie makes me completely cry. A number of times, actually. Pepper is a brilliant young performer. I am a darkly cynical person. I often find myself enjoying movies where the bad guys win. At the very least stand out. This movie is purely uplifting and goes to show you that heroes come in all shapes. All sizes. This movie is a masterpiece.

Kevin Hart: Don't F**k This Up

You may not like him but...
I thought the documentary was authentic. There were times in it where he said things that annoyed me. There were times I felt he was heartfelt. There were times I thought he was genuine. There were times I thought he was intentionally being ambiguous. At one point, my wife and I reacted to something he said he did and we both said "that's petty." The very next thing out of his mouth was him calling himself petty.

At the end, I can't say I loved Kevin Hart as much as I did at the beginning of watching. He was willing to step out and taint his reputation. In a weird way, I thought that made me gain respect for him.

His relationship with his father, is perfectly authentic. I had the same relationship with my dad. The exact same. I recognized every facial expression they shared with one another. Based on that, I feel like the audience got a no version of Kevin Hart.

In conclusion, yes, he is stubborn. He is ambitious. He has a way of both apologizing and not apologizing. Accepting and deflecting blame. Doing stupid things and then calling himself out on it. Rinse and repeat.

I no longer love Kevin Hart. He is not perfect. But this documentary almost was.


The best work any of the three leads have ever done. Great musical references. Especially the scene Lightning Crashes is played. I love how it transitions from storyline in a bar to overlay of the flow in the film.

The analogy is precious. They could not have cast the film better and the actors put quality into their performance. Cinematography is done perfectly in the final scene of the movie.

I really enjoyed this film and would recommend it to anybody.

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