
IMDb member since January 2014
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    10 years


The Princess and the Frog

So much potential....and I think this was a half hearted attempt at Disney throwing together a "feature" movie with....*gasp* Disney princess of color. They could have gone so many different ways with this and every way they took was disappointing. The whole movie felt forced like they just put it out to say, "we celebrate diversity" >insert eye roll< I hope they make a more valiant attempt soon because they need to try again and not just have the "one" to say they did it. There's room for improvement and I hope they make another go at it!

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Apparently you love him or hate him?
I was surprised to see so many negative reviews some even stating the he is "racist". To each his own I guess... I love Parts Unknown because it goes beyond food, he shows the way the locals live and their daily lives with eating their food. I have found him relatively impartial politically, he lets the people he meets in their respective countries speak for themselves. It seems that anyone having an aversion to CNN and knowing that before they watch automatically has a 1 star rating of him. I had now idea he was before reading the reviews and found that surprising. Much more than a food show, and I think that makes the show overall well rounded and always fascinating.

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