
IMDb member since March 2005
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The Company You Keep

Commie movie
what amazes me none of these people of the weather underground went to gas chamber. A police officer was killed in one of their bombings. My theory is they were protected by liberal establishment. Just like Angela Davis who went into a courtroom with her radical gang then kidnapped a prosecutor and judge and then killed them.Spends a few years in prison Now she is a professor,spouting all that hate to the young people when they should have been executed.

These people are nothing short of terrorists, and it is insulting to know that some of them are leading comfortable lives teaching our young people, when they should be in prison.

I couldn't think of anyone that would want to see a terrorist movie,that took pleasure in killing innocent women and children.Not to mention police officers that left families.I would think only socialist and communist thinking would want to this trash.

World's Greatest Dad

My wife and I were very Disappointed with this movie.Having Robin Williams in it was very misleading.

Extrmely vulgar,language and trash talk from children.Gangbangers wouldn't use it.

It was very depressing,not one bit funny.

After 20 minutes she asked me to please turn nit off.Gladly I did.

I don't know what Robin Williams was thinking? did he read the script?

,I don't remember seeing it on the theater billboards?

I can see why. Save yourself and others time and money. By all means don't let children of any age watch it. obm4


To much silly acting,and bad writing
While it was cute and my grandkids may like it,I wish they would have made the princess less goofy.I liked the idea of the story.

I was waiting a long time for it to come out top rent.

It was far to kidsy,hands across the face, goofy childish dialog,Nothing to show why they were falling in love?

I understand it was made for very young children,but could have been a made for everyone movie.

Far to immature and not believable as a princess come to life.

They should have watched Darrel Hannah in splash,Mature but innocent.It's hard to understand what happened to Hollywood ,Most movies made now suck.

This could have been very good but couldn't wait until the end. Gary

No Country for Old Men

Why like the killing of innocent people while the bad go free?
You have to be kidding me.This movie was so disgusting. first.My wife asked me,are you kidding?

Is this how it ends? and why did you rent this?I usually get the endings of movies off the internet first. How can they give an award to glorify the killing of so many innocent people.

It would have been better if the bad guys lost at the end. I watch a movie to feel good, not depressed.

When all the good people die and the really bad guys don't,

I would never give an award for that. I would classify this as a midnight can't sleep watcher. Oh well that what I get for not checking into a movie before watching it.Gary

Black Mask 2: City of Masks

Totally awesome
I just watched this movie.Had it for a while but watched others then remembered I had it.

I personally think it was one of the best,well done action movies in a long time.

Including 300 and many others.I thought it would be another lips out of sync movies.

It must have been made here the acting and words,action,all first rate.

I wish they would make more like this.I saw a lot of foreign movies that sucked this was great.I don,t see what others were looking for.This one had good realistic action.

300 was even a little boring waiting for things to happen.

Kibakichi: Bakko-yokaiden 2

Oh my god WHAT TRASH
I thought iv'e seen some bad movies in my time,BUT. After the apperant 3rd grade class got done writing and directing.

this the 4th graders did the fight scenes.

I can't believe anyone out there would or could make such nonsense. I have no idea how anyone there gave this more than 1 star.

I was actually getting ill from watching this horrible acting,fight scenes etc. So common people whoever you might be wake up.I

wouldn't have let this junk in the country let alone put it on DVD.

I would love to watch a movie like this with some of them BUT sober.I want to see where they wow cool?Gary


What trash,If I was younger I'd watch it for the porno
My wife made me turn it off after 20 minutes.I also got tired of the flashbacks.I read so many reviews that were favorable,so I rented it.My wife asked why am i renting porno movies haha. I see why some would like it for all the sex.I saw bad acting with a young girls trying to seduce teachers to get what she wanted. Young girls kissing trying to be lesbians? My wife made me turn it off after that.Maybe it got better ,but I don't see how it could have.It was going the way of him having an affair with the girl,because he was unhappy with his marriage. Before I return it I may watch the rest alone,My wife will be at work haha.Hey all of us like a good porno once in a while. I just think as that it was OK as a real movie it was terrible.

The Prestige

This movie was OK
I think Maybe, because of all the positive reviews on this movie.I couldn't wait to see it.My wife didn't like it.To many twists for her to follow.I didn't like the heavy accents,at times hard to understand.

I didn't think there was much magic either,not like the illusionist.I thought was so much better.

We never knew why he would keep using someone that screwed him so much or the girl either? It didn't make a lot of sense and the ending was sorta dumb.The guy got hung for something he didn't do. Oh well goes to show you don't believe what you read.

I think the emphases should have been more on the stealing of secrets which was OK,And a lot more magic.One minute they were dirt poor next minute rich?I didn't like the hurting aspect of the grudge.ruin each other OK,shooting one not so cool

Saat po long

What a stupid movie
I can't believe these critics liked this or said it was great.OK I can see.No wonder no one respects what they say?Like almost all Asian movies badly directed,very bad dialog,horrible story line.The only good thing was the finale fighting at the end.The fighting before that was so lame I could have kicked there asses.I felt bad with my friend giving me this movie and I threw it away after I fast forwarded to the end.I should know better than to try and look for a good karate action movie coming out of or from there.I am going to take all the foreign movies off my rental list and wait for things like kill bill.Sorry but you guys have to look at these things with someone that can see?Gary


Never compare with the older ones
I was looking forward to this movie a lot.I wanted to watch it with my grand daughters.I am glad I saw it first.I was so disappointed with it.I never got the connection with the horse and the girl,didn't work for me.I also wanted to see the big race?The one that saved the ranch?She said Flicka the horse came they opened the gate for them to run away?Whats with that?Now oh god shes missing get a search party.I would rather have seen Dekota fanning do the part this girl was a bit over weight for it. I was glad I never had to pay money to see it,but it's so weired to see the critics saying,I love this movie so good.My god come on don't drink before you see it.The guy ,father never got his emotions working for me.A I also had a hard time hearing him whispering his lines.He was to bland for my taste.Gary

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Save us from unfunny ferrell
My god this is the last time I ever rent anything with will ferrell in it.I should have learned my lesson from elf,and kicking and screaming. My son-n-law bought elf and my daughter and 3 grand daughters walked out on it.His wife asked, him whats the matter with you this is a terrible movie. I couldn't get thru any of these movies they were so bad.I am sorry but maybe you have to be a weired teen or something to like movies like these and jackass,that hurt people. I swear never again will I rent anything with his name on it. I maybe look for to much entertainment in a movie?I also thought little miss sunshine was just OK.I see it winning awards go figure?I know everyone can't like everything but wow he just isn't funny to us.Thanks Gary

Tom yum goong

SO SO movie kinda dumb.
I will say better than Jackie Chan.It started out good, but couldn't understand them in many scenes.The fighting started good ,I haven't seen it all the way thru yet.My wife left after half hour.I started watching it again and started laughing,I would love for these guys that wrote best martial arts ever?com-on you kidding?First he kicks ass true then the sissy boy on the bridge ,only one boy mind you kicks his ass.Then in the warehouse my god ha-ha lets get him 50 guys grab what?num-chucks,batons,staffs,swords?NO light bulbs ha-ha.Bruce lees going to come back and kick his ass.I think Tony Jaa's going the way of Steven Seagal and Jackie Chan.Not worth the price of admission.Gary

San ging chaat goo si

I thought I liked Jackie Chan until I saw this movie.I liked him in Rush hour 1 and 2.I thought the western one was good.I see now only American made ones can hold up.I actually got sorta nauseous watching this one.I think he ought to retire before he looks like Steven Seagal.I think Seagals worst is even better than this tripe.I watch my 7 year old grand daughter in her gymnastics class is more realistic than this was.You hit me ugh I hit you ugh,swing left, swing right not to close OK my turn.My god, I think the Master Bruce lee the almighty is going to come back to life just to kick his ass?I was sad to see Tony Jaa heading down the same path in the protector.I didn't watch it all the way thru yet either.HOW in gods name can these critics say wow good movie,even the dialog could have been written better by a 5th grader.Please stop making movies Jackie,and please take lessons from Jet Li.Gary

Gridiron Gang

Great movie
My wife and I loved this movie.It has been a long time now since Hollywood has made anything worth seeing.I hate to see critics reviews,I wish could find a site with just common folks.Sorry but critics look at the color,clothes they wear,how they edited the movie?common.We watch a movie that makes us feel good and this movie does that.Not like henry the 8th I'm so bored type movies.For any regular people out there rent this one it's great. Sometimes one has to sit with a bowl of popcorn and be entertained.Look at the trash like the comedian that goes around kissing people on the street,and crank horrible movie.Gary

Miracle at Sage Creek

I'm glad I did'nt pay a rental fee for it
I honestly can't see why all the critics on here; say bad things about good movies and good things about bad ones?Oh look at the scenery,oh pretty music,wow so real?One could not call this one realistic by any means.The husband gets attacked and shot by bad guys,falls over a cliff.They look for him once run into the bad guys give up looking.They did'nt tell anyone like the army, who is the law in them days that he's lost,shot,the bad guys?Never played up the feelings of the grandpa and Indian chief to get into the characters so we could feel good when they bonded?This was a very low,badly written movie.Take it for what it is, and it's a clean movie at least.Gary


What a piece of trash
I can't believe that Jason S. is going the way of Steven seagal?This was almost the worst movie I Have seen in a long time.I wanted to like Transporter 2 but it was just fairly good.Such dumb stunts very unbelievable.But this movie was so bad,my wife left half way through.I started to fast forward might as well see the end.He was never a likable character.He was mean,rude,killed and hurt innocent people.He deserved to die a bad death.Does'nt Jason read a script before he takes the roll?Or is it all about money who cares if I do anything worth while.I really would love to hear why anyone thought it was good?He played a character that all to well we have in our society now days.He was not a person I would want to live in the same city with.Gary

Little Miss Sunshine

Can I say dumb movie?
I read the reviews,I thought cool rent it for me and my wife to watch.Bad idea she gets mad at me when I rent dumb movies Like I made them.I have to agree on this one .I honestly can't see why anyone said it was good?Very slow ,lots of swearing,Making a little girl did an exotic sexual dance?I Did'nt see the need for this particular dance?I was so glad because of the title I wasn't sharing this with any of my grandchildren.This isn't for any young viewers at all.I do;not see why it does'nt have an r rating and change the name for an adult theme.Well anyway what a waste of time ,I never got into any of the characters or bonded with them either.Just a down and out depressed ,bankrupt family to sad to watch.Gary

The Descent

Bad ending
It was an OK movie till the end.I like to watch movies that make me feel good not bad.If I want to watch a bad movie,Id ask the studios to make a movie where bin laden takes over the U.S.,Rapes murders and tortures our kids?Wow what a great movie dah?I hated this one cause of the ending if even one would have made it, then fine.But the monsters win,I wish people would tell endings of movies like good,bad,sad,happy.Then I could make up my mind.Telling the ending does not spoil a movie,We watch movies to be entertained is why many of us buy and watch movies we like over and over.We know the ending but like feeling good.Thanks Gary

A Prairie Home Companion

This movie was terrible,slow ,bad songs,Why did anyone like it?
I read so many good reviews on here so I rented this and kiss kiss bang bang.After 1/2 Hour my wife made me turn it off was way to slow and to many flash backs.So I said well heres a good one rated well.She said turn it off after 15 minutes,I said they said it has good music ,singing and stuff.She made it to 25 minutes before she got mad told me to stop renting this junk.I am 63 yrs old ,that music was way before my time also.I never got into the people,not sure what they were trying to do?If just trying to get us to see what the old radio was like thank god it's gone.Sorry but so many bad movies lately my god what is Hollywood doing?Wheres the good ones like Eraser,Alien-v-Predator,Riddick,the Raiders series,Star Wars,Lethal Weapon.Oh well don't waste your time seeing this unless your dead or 90 yrs old?Gary

The Beautiful Country

OK not really good
My wife and I never got into the movie.We thought it was way to sloooowwww and to many subtitles.I understood they needed them for Vietnam,but took to long to get out of Asia.She wanted it off I said it's going to get better.It never did yes they had a tough time trying to get to America,but I wanted to see him looking and finding his dad.Not at the end but forming a relationship.Did I mention it was slllloooowwwwww.I love to watch a movie to feel good not sad at the end.I know they don't make many good movies now days.I think action movies are the only ones to watch.I have been renting a lot from netflix and now blockbuster,maybe 20% are worth seeing.I don't kneed realism or facts just a movie thats fun and makes you feel good.Gary


What a stupid movie
I can't see why people liked this movie.Me and my wife both looked at each other,Said is this it?We wanted to turn it off but well might as well go all the way.It never got better,hi Marge, hi herb here's your worms herd.Oh god who wrote this stuff?A totally dumb boring slow movie.I see why the Minnesotans got offended at how stupid they were portrayed.I am having a hard time getting 10 lines to write about.Nothing good to say except that it finally ended.Give me a Columbo rerun or any Csi movie ,now thats a mystery cop show.I know tine daily won an Oscar for it also.I have such a hard time thinking not one other film was Worth while,Thats scary.I would love to have had talks with people than seen it to help me understand it?No action,No mystery,little comedy except for the normal dialog.Yuk

Dr. Dolittle 3

Not very funny or well done.
It was an OK movie.I ca'nt see why people are rating it so hi?Maybe they work for the company haha.Do'nt even think it's going to be anything like the first 2.I hope my young grandkids will like it.My wife stopped watching it ,I wanted to but like to see endings.It had a few laughs,but wish id had read the reviews first.I ca'nt see why it's so hard for movie companies to,make sequels.Or they just make it as low budget as possible. Tey don't want you to pirate movies but do they care if you pay good money for garbage? I don't feel sorry for any of the studios. I can also see why murphy did'nt act in this one.Enough with not enough lines already Gary

The Snow Walker

Kinda slow but OK movie
I like good endings,This one ended and my wife and I said thats it?I also like good things and wanted her to live and they get together or be good friends.I don't know why Hollywood always has to kill someone?Even In season finales die die die?I also thought he should have died he was to stupid to live long.I liked her teaching him to survive knowing she was going to die.Just wish it could have been better.Think about the watchers make them feel good about a movie.I rather go to bed saying wow I'm so glad she or he did'nt dieor wow what a pleasnat movie to watch.I know my wife wanted to ask why did I rent it.I wish when people review movies tell about them and the endings.I don't mind knowing the end I like to watch a movie to be entertained.If a hero or good character dies I'm not entertained.

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