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Taboo: Episode #1.4
Episode 4, Season 1

This is how you hook a viewer into a show.
People need to remind themselves that besides anything related to history in this show there's art and there's fiction first, and this episode certainly delivered it the way it should be. It's something rare to watch an episode that really gets you hooked into the story, but this one does.

Before this episode I was a little bit confused to where the show was going, but the picture starts to get a little bit clearer as this episode ends, Delaney has no friends, very few people he can truly count on as allies, but the man has no friends and the only thing keep him alive is himself and a multitude of deals he made with his enemies.

Despite being in trouble many times since the first episode, Delaney seems to always have things under control and manages to always be one step ahead of everyone, which is very unique compared to other shows on TV and their protagonists, a somewhat different way to approach the storyline and keeping it interesting.

I don't know if this is going to be the only review I make of this show and my opinion might even change as I finish the season, but this one right here so far is a winner, one of the last good stories TV has to offer these days.

Bloodline: Part 23
Episode 10, Season 2

"Anything to protect the Rayburn name"
Brilliant season, brilliant twist. What a family full of scumbags who can do anything to clear their name from any guilt.

The past started it and everything came to an ugly and disgusting conclusion, this is one of the few times I've felt sick to my stomach with a TV Show, it's not the brutality but the way things turn out to be for just a bunch of lies.

As the time comes close for Eric to tell the truth to Marco since Aguirre made things possible for the IA to walk away, The Rayburns are feeling the pressure of being cornered against the wall, measures are taken so the show is gonna change everything that was built up this season, and what an amazing season that was.

Great acting, great story, great twists and everything TV should be about. Good job Bloodline, you managed to overcome yourselves once again, you deserve a third season and I hope Netflix can get it done.

Bloodline: Part 22
Episode 9, Season 2

"I wanna tell my story"
A the season comes close to the end, this episode was good but it felt kind of rushed, maybe even forced on wrapping up everything as a gift to the finale, it done it's job, but it wasn't as good as the episodes that came before.

Kevin finally sold the inn to Gilbert only to find out he may be getting himself in trouble once again, not following Meg's advice after she learns some information from Sally about Gilbert and Robert's past.

Eve and Nolan move to the inn, which leaves Ozzy upset and looking to work a new angle to take more money from the Rayburns, Meg finds out about Ozzy and Eve and tries to warn Sally on the same old Rayburn fashion of "telling things without really telling anything".

Marco and John go to war, as John brings Ms. Ortiz to come clean to the press about Sheriff Aguirre's assault to her and the cover up by Marco, which brings the IA to start a investigation.

As to Marco, he prepares Eric O'Bannon to witness on what he know about what happened between John and Danny, as we finally know what happened to the necklace Danny gave to Janey, John finds out about Marco's plans and is willing to do anything he can to stop Marco and Eric to reveal the truth.

To this point everyone has some dirt on them, but just like Season One, I can't help but to cheer against The Rayburns, and I hope that somehow the case Marco built doesn't blow up in a boat just like Danny did, but of course, there's also need to be some justice with the whole Aguirre's situation.

Bloodline: Part 21
Episode 8, Season 2

This season is just too f'n good, it's amazing how there is this constant to keep the story in a high note, I swear if Kyle Chandler is not inducted I'm about to start a fire somewhere, Nolan would agree with me.

Marco keeps digging for the true story on Danny's murder and finds way more than he every thought he could, a twisted and surprising angle by Meg who makes the mistake of telling an additional lie puts her and her brothers in deep trouble.

Kevin is on his way on making amends on selling the boat inn, at first that wasn't his intention, but a conversation with Belle puts his head on place probably for the first time in this season, great acting by Norbert Leo who's probably the most improved player this year.

Meg keeps pulling strings on John's campaign, giving Ozzy money after receiving a recommendation to give it to him and threaten him all at once, this could backfire on her side but it could also put Ozzy on harm's way.

Sally and Nolan go to Florida visit Danny's restaurant that was burned out, Nolan makes a stop through his house as Sally learns a little bit more about Nolan and Eve's story, offering them a place to stay at the keys, which probably seems to be going out of their original plan to screw all the Rayburns.

But the highlight of this episode, just as it was on the last episode was the ending, Marco interrogates John, putting him against the wall and finally seeing the real pieces of the puzzle, John counterattacks by bringing Marco's secret when he didn't report Sheriff Aguirre's assault on his wife, turning both detectives against each other and both having shady pasts gives the story a whole different color, what an amazing work the writers have put on this season, really great, even though I still miss Danny around.

Bloodline: Part 20
Episode 7, Season 2

"What you've done... could destroy us"
What a brilliant episode, an amazing performance by Jacinda Barrett and an even more amazing one by Kyle Chandler, their chemistry on screen as a troubled couple shines through an amazing discovery, with Diana connecting all the dots from what John said before.

Meg and Kevin are investigated by Marco and the questioning has an unexpected turn of events that might lead to more resolution on the real story behind what happened with Danny.

Ozzy seems more determined than ever to bring down all John's defenses as he approaches Meg on the campaign office to tell her a piece of his mind.

The Rayburn ground seems to be shaking more and more after every episode, and an "earthquake" is certainly about to happen on their lives.

Bloodline: Part 19
Episode 6, Season 2

"Ask me what I want"
John never thought that by killing his brother, he would have a duplication of two genders on his personality and a son, every time he thinks about moving on from that something just keeps pulling him back, as it goes back to his statement that the family would always be dealing with this, he was probably right.

The only thing that's currently working well for John now is probably his campaign, Meg pulls a secret out of Sheriff Aguirre's past that could compromise his image, learning a dark secret about Marco as well, but at the same time giving John some advantage to move forward on his chances to be elected the new sheriff.

Kevin deals with his addictions as he's constantly taunted by Nolan, also fearing for his wife's health, which turns out to actually be a pleasant surprise which once again strikes Kevin's mind, as he fears if he's gonna be a good father.

Eve and Ozzy get in contact with some members of the Rayburn Family probably as a message of manipulation and fear to John, as Ozzy gets to interact with John's wife and Eve gets closer to John's daughter, who pulls a tantrum on the family dinner by getting in a heated argument with Sally, but mostly being angry and "brainwashed" at the things Eve told her.

John retaliates by meeting with Ozzy and dealing with his anger the best way he knows how, showing he's out to war again.

Bloodline: Part 18
Episode 5, Season 2

"You pressure John Rayburn and all sorts of sh*t starts spilling out"
A good episode that develops more of the relationship of the new characters between the old ones, establishing some connections and a new circle of distrust and side investigations.

John chooses Meg to be his campaign manager as his sister takes extreme measures to find some dirt on the current Sheriff Aguirre (aka Angel Batista from Dexter).

Kevin offers Nolan a job at the inn, but just like Danny kid's a natural to find out things he shouldn't know of, and according to flashbacks between Danny and Nolan, he's good at cutting tomatoes as well.

Eve still looks for a way on receiving something from The Rayburn Family, but Sally wants her gone and basically spread that same message to Meg, who finally meets the woman and why her father was giving her money.

Chelsea kicks Eric out of her house, he's forced to move in with Ozzy as both of them start to develop a theory on what happened between John and Danny, Eric seems more and more suspicious after being interrogated by Marco, finding out about a text Danny sent to Chelsea when Danny wasn't exactly a man who ever texted, as he also finds out about the drugs being moved to Danny's apartment in Miami.

Overall a very long hour with an episode that could've been 10 or 15 minutes shorter, but it worked it's way around on developing the rest of the story as half the season is concluded.

Bloodline: Part 17
Episode 4, Season 2

"John Rayburn is a lie"
This show is amazing, I could just finish the review right here. But I'll elaborate on that a little bit.

First, what a perfect way to mold the guest characters around with the main ones, the casting for this season was perfect and until now everything seems to be going the right way with the story.

John's guilt started to get the best of him, and a twist that even being a little bit predictable took place as a strike of good luck for the new older brother.

Speaking of old brothers, Danny is back and he's torturing John's mind piece by piece, every hallucination/imagination scene John had in this episode involving Danny or not was absolutely well-written and it lead to something bigger than the story itself, the thought of having this dangerous ghost in your mind, your polar opposite haunting you though every decision you making is awful for a person who's consumed by the fear of his actions.

I understand the writers intention on trying to make us sympathize with The Rayburns again, I know I almost did, but the new "villains" are so compelling that you just can't help but to root for them to expose this family, and after every episode I watch, I still hope it ends badly for The Rayburns, not with deaths flying all around, but with justice working their way.

From the oldest to the youngest, they caused all the events we're witnessing right now, they surrounded themselves with dangerous people and all of them are now paying the price for an accident that turned out to be a game of lies, blackmail and insanity.

Bloodline: Part 16
Episode 3, Season 2

"No light at the end of the tunnel, just more darkness"
Another impressive episode as this season proves once again why this show is so underrated and such a powerhouse on Netflix, IMO the best series they've produced until now.

A powerful comeback from a once considered slow first season, the third episode keeps picking up the pace as it becomes faster and explosive like nitroglycerin.

We all thought the show couldn't survive without Danny, but he basically became what Jigsaw was in the SAW movies, even after death he managed to outsmart everyone around him and make them deal with his sh*t, Mendelsohn carried a whole season on his back and the ghost of his actions were felt all around him.

Basically what we saw on this episode was Kevin's recent deal going wrong and resulting in a new murder that not only puts his safety into jeopardy, but results in a chain of events that hurt the entire family and those against him in the process.

Combine that with Eric O'Bannon's return, another impulsive and explosive character being forced to go head-to-head with a cornered Lowry while both of them are being used by John and you get a chaotic episode full of intensity and well-written suspense.

Also, it's great to see Chloe Sevigny again.

Bloodline: Part 15
Episode 2, Season 2

"Save us from ourselves"
The Rayburns keep getting deep into trouble while they trying to clear any suspicion that people might have on them.

Danny's plan seems to be getting into motion as he's spreading the blame on everyone on his family for moving cocaine on the inn, everyone he got in touch with has the right answers and the right moves to blame the family, while Lowry uses his influence to keep everything under control, actually helping Danny's plan to go through.

Kevin just made things worse by start selling the drugs he still got hold on to make extra money for his business, which seems to lead to be another big problem on John's hand, as we speak of him, he also found evidence on an investigation that could link Danny's murder to Wayne Lowry, but after being blackmailed, he has no choice but to hide what he found and live with the weight of anything that might happen next.

Some people may find this episode to be another common Bloodline episode, but this one will probably be the most remarkable when we think about the actions that started the consequences on the future of The Rayburn Family.

Bloodline: Part 14
Episode 1, Season 2

"I'd like you to meet my friend"
Good way to start the season, the aftermath of the Rayburns prior to Danny's death and to his son's arrival are slowly built up as we can see a lot of Danny's personality on Nolan.

John finds trouble on framing Wayne Lowry for the murder he committed and starts raising suspicions all around, including Marco and his mother, who still counts with former detective Lenny Potts's help.

Meg finds out that her father was sending money to a woman who we find out have a lot in common with the Rayburns, as the lies from all of the members of the family still circle around Danny's actions, this very circle seems to be closing day after day.

Kevin finds comfort in cocaine as his boat business seems to be in trouble, with a child on the way and the pressure of dealing his new and former life seems to affect him the most.

Overall, all three brothers are having a hard time trying to live with the guilt of what they've done, to the point that we the audience might actually cheer for everyone who's trying to uncover what they did, even if they're worst scumbags than Danny ever was.

Banshee: Requiem
Episode 8, Season 4

"The past has kept you locked up long enough"
It's hard to write something that sums up everything about this show in just one hour, but the writers sure made it as perfectly as it could possibly be.

An ending that reminded me a lot of Justified for all the good reasons, they chose this hour to gives us everything we loved about this show.

The episode itself had two amazing fights with two very dramatic endings that honor characters the way they should be honored on every show, with a lot of powerhouse heartfelt performances from the entire cast.

This is possibly one of the best endings I've ever seen, Banshee got to prove us wrong, made a lot of people angry when it seemed they were a little bit lost being so close to the end, but even after being screwed by their own network, the writers wrapped up two seasons in one with a short-time span and still managed to make it awesome.

Thank you Banshee, cast and crew, everyone involved, for an amazing show.

Banshee: Truths Other Than the Ones You Tell Yourself
Episode 7, Season 4

"I'm not Lucas Hood!!!!!"
The tension on this episode went to a whole other level, this episode was well-handled, the storyline with the cult was pretty bad and I'm glad it's finally over with at least a decent conclusion.

What a true way to build up for the last episode, this show deserved a better budget and way more attention than it gets, and of course, with all the material they had to shrink into one season, they should've had the chance to have at least one more, so screw Cinemax for cutting these guys out way too early.

That scene with Hood and Brock was pure gold.

Banshee: Innocent Might Be a Bit of a Stretch
Episode 4, Season 4

A bump on the road, but this is where the season really starts rolling.
Don't read this unless you've watched the episode already, you have been warned.

As we cross half of the last season out of the way, we're finally revealed the identity of the serial killer (or should I say killers). We spend some parts of this episode with a description of the way they act, all the ritual, from the kidnapping to the killing, as it seems they're doing it for someone or some kind of identity, it remains to be seen, they just seem to have no idea on where to lead this story, I just hope someone more relevant is behind this couple of loonies, because it just seems lame.

Eliza Dushku's crack addiction adds nothing to the show, as the writers just seem to not know how to make a troubled character without giving them something completely over the top, I get it, it's Banshee, but you don't have to make every single one of your characters crazy (that's where I applaud guys like Brock, Sugar, Emmett, Siobhan, Nola and Bunker).

Anyway, she crosses Hood out of her list of suspects and he might have a chance to get the killers with her assistance or on his own.

As far as it goes with the Nazis and Proctor's storyline, Carrie keeps giving the Aryan nation and the Amish a hard time, with a small assistance from a still suffering from PTSD Job, Carrie burns Proctor's drug warehouse, not before telling Bunker that his brother and the Nazis are all working with Proctor, Carrie and Proctor, two of our main characters are been giving the wrestling treatment called "creative has nothing for you".

Moving to Calvin Bunker, he seems determined to take down Watts and Proctor, but a surprising early release could put all his plans to jeopardy, again, not very interested on anything the Nazis have been doing this season.

That was probably the worst episode of the season, the second worst of the series (The Rave was just the worse), but a bad episode of Banshee is still better than most shows on TV.

Let's just hope the writers still know what they're doing and are not smoking what Dushku's character is smoking.

(This section of my review was REALLY hard to choose as the episode wasn't very good, maybe with a few remarkable moments).


Antony Starr (Lucas Hood).

Matt Servitto (Brock Lotus).

Hoon Lee (Job).

Honorable Mentions:

Chris Coy (Calvin Bunker).

Ivana Milicevic (Carrie Hopewell).

Ulrich Thomsen (Kai Proctor).

Eliza Dushku (Special Agent Veronica Dawson).

Chance Kelly (Randall Watts).

Banshee: The Book of Job
Episode 3, Season 4

An excellent episode, but not a great plot conclusion
I've got to admit, this episode got everything Banshee brings to the table, a good dose of violence and redemption mixed with a good plot twist to move the story forward.

As I really enjoyed the episode to give it a 10, I still believe it's open for criticism. I knew Job just wouldn't stay out of the game for a long time, but they resumed a plot that should be the focus of an entire season and blended in only five episodes (as they're started to develop Hood and Job's acquainted past on 3x09).

They made a big mistake on Hood's redemption against Dalton and now they repeated the same mistake with Job, both the mercs from past and present deserved to have a better conclusion, maybe something on the same level or at least close to what Chayton got.

Moving on, the plot twist is not the newest thing to ever happen on TV, as I think at this point nobody believes Hood is the serial killer, but it's interesting to see where it all leads, especially when it comes to Brock and Hood's relationship.

I really like Bunker's character, he's receiving some nice development so far, but the whole Nazi's storyline seems to be going nowhere, and I wouldn't mind if it was concluded by now to keep the mercs story alive for at least one or two episodes.

I also feel Proctor doesn't have much to do since last season, every year they feed the character something new and it never goes nowhere to a point I believe they should've kept Longshadow alive until Season 3.

The serial killer is a big f'n mystery to me, as I believe it could be anyone at this point, but mostly not someone who already showed up, I'm almost sure that maybe he has an accomplice who's already be shown on screen.

Overall a good and loyal episode to Banshee, but it didn't do a lot of wonders to a story that feels rushed, this show definitely needed a longer season, or even one or two more, it really is a shame that it's about to end.

Banshee: The Burden of Beauty
Episode 2, Season 4

The Burden of Beauty
Another good episode as one-quarter of the last season is gone (feels bad to say that). We learned more about what happened with Rebecca and Hood during the time jump we experienced on the show, as we still look forward to have any conclusive hint when it comes to who is the serial killer.

Proctor moves into business with more dangerous people, the cartel is never really a good idea for any character on any show. It wasn't for Walter White, wasn't for Boyd Crowder and it wasn't for Jax Teller. In Proctor's case, not only does he have to worry with this new alliance with the Colombian cartel, but he has a target on his back when it comes to Nazis as well, Calvin Bunker seems determined to take over Proctor's business one way or the other, still having to deal with his brother Kurt.

Overall, the action scenes were good, I took a point away for the time been too dedicated to only introduce and then torture any character that had some screen time in those 40+ minutes, including a much anticipated and welcome return.

Banshee: Something Out of the Bible
Episode 1, Season 4

A different show, but this episode is a strong one.
If someone would tell me that Banshee would take such a twist, I wouldn't believe it.

Well, that's exactly what they did. When Season 3 was finished everyone thought there wasn't a lot of places they could go with the story, the introduction of this new serial killer, the time span between Seasons 3 and 4, the search for a loyal friend and the grieving for characters who weren't so fortunate to be part of this last season, a lot of good stuff, even though some things just feel out of place.

Banshee entered a gritty and melancholic road with a lot of new darkness for a show that was already dark.

Bloodline: Part 13
Episode 13, Season 1

"We're not bad people, but we did a bad thing"
Don't read this unless you've watched the whole season, if you do, know there'll be a lot of spoilers on the way.

Season Finale wrapped things up perfectly, with some little time jumps between the events that lead to Danny's death, John, Kevin and Meg cover it up while dealing with the guilty of getting rid of their brother.

The police investigates the facts while the Rayburns set a lot of things in motion to blame Danny's death on all of his mistakes, as we learn Sally is the one who told her children to lie about what happened to Danny in his childhood.

In the end of the episode, we see the Rayburns trying to get on with their lives, but a potential witness and new problem might bring a bomb that'll explode in all their faces on Season 2.

I got to say that I'm really impressed with this show, it was the least promoted Netflix show in my country and the one that surprised me the most, a very well told story and the necessary pace between family drama, crime and action brought me to it and I just couldn't stop watching it, I don't think Season 2 will top this season, but I'll be very excited to watch it.

Bloodline: Part 12
Episode 12, Season 1

"When is it gonna end?"
That's it, the Rayburns finally collide and a lot happens on this episode, Danny tells his family that they're all in danger and finally vomits the truth on all their faces.

Like he said, things are not always gonna be perfect for the Rayburns, and knowing that, John had to make a stand and go after his brother, knowing exactly where it all would be leading to.

and that was perfect, my hats off to Ben Mendelsohn and Kyle Chandler for the outstanding performance, throughout the season and specially for this episode.

They went for the full measure, and now the shepherd took care of the black sheep.

Bloodline: Part 11
Episode 11, Season 1

"I just want them to feel what I feel"
Brilliant episode, probably the best in the series until now, the Rayburns have to make a big decision after discovering Danny's wild-card that gets them all involved.

Danny also have problems on his own, losing Lowry's drugs and being once again forced to leave, his visions of Sarah are a current reminder of how screwed up his life has always being, he just wanted to be accepted, understood, forgiven.

You can't help to feel sorry for the guy when it comes to all the tragedy that surrounded him because of his family, but after that, it was trouble after trouble until he was on the situation that he was.

So Danny decides to push John to the limit, as we're revealed how Sarah drowned and how involved everyone was with her death, that was a very realistic and touching part of the show, as we learn everyone's guilty somehow, but the responsibility always weights more on a certain someone.

With Danny too far gone with his threats and lies and the Rayburns having to deal with it too, the first season's final two episodes will give us a conclusion to this emotional and moving story

Bloodline: Part 10
Episode 10, Season 1

"I call the shots now"
The Rayburns finally go to war, a great twist at the end prove us Danny is too far gone, as his chooses to protect his business rather than bowing down to his family and to John's deal and protection.

Having his mother's support and his entire family going after him, Danny still finds a way out of all his troubles and keeps pushing everyone into their very limit, proving that the black sheep is indeed the cause of everyone's problems, but not the one who made the mistakes himself.

Danny takes every opportunity he gets and the tenth episode of Bloodline shows us that, he's deep into *beep* and he knows it, but he's taking everyone down with him.

An episode full of twists, revelations and a lot of trouble surrounding the Rayburn paradise promises us a hell of a ride on the last three episodes of the first season.

Bloodline: Part 9
Episode 9, Season 1

"When you feel you have no choice, you just run"
Another good episode, Danny is a master manipulator but I can't help to feel sorry for the guy, and this episode exposes a little bit more what happened to him and what made him become an addict.

A strong and very composed acting from Sissy Spacek whom I felt wasn't getting much to work with besides being a matriarch, now I know the reason why she has an Oscar, woman can act.

Back to Danny, he keeps pushing everyone around him to do as he pleases, he puts his sister in a corner again and gets confronted, still having the upper hand, also he threatens John's wife (pleayed by the gorgeous Jacinda Barrett) about her getting between him and his brother's business.

John keeps digging on his investigation even with the Feds taking control of the case, finding out that Danny may be connected with the Hispanic kidnappers.

Strong episode, good development, and a very good second half of the season, a very thrilling and surprising show.

Bloodline: Part 8
Episode 8, Season 1

"Danny turned us into that family"
Very intense episode, we see how poisoned The Rayburn Family really is, all of them get some dirty written all over them but very well hidden, Danny staying and discovering it just uncovered how much screwed they all are.

Every turn Danny makes is to get something on his advantage, since working with Hispanic kidnappers to manipulating his entire family, everything is calculated and this episode showed us that he is way smarter than everyone thinks he is.

Danny's a weasel, but his family is just as bad as him, every single one of them, his revenge is been plotted and things are finally in motion.

Bloodline: Part 7
Episode 7, Season 1

"You do what you have to do"
The seventh episode of the season launches Danny's revenge against his family and a major connection between the Hispanic girls case and the family feud between John and Danny.

Kevin is caught in the middle, being assaulted and robbed as a distraction from the case, so Danny can get the trust of the new antagonist that's introduced in this episode.

The heat between Danny and his family is still there, but this episode shows that's just the calm before the storm.

With half the season gone, we're looking for episodes with a faster pace and more development on the story, as the first five/six episodes were more focused on character development.

Bloodline: Part 6
Episode 6, Season 1

"It's so good to be back"
What an awesome episode, it felt like a break to family drama and focused on Danny Rayburn hitting rock bottom after his father's death, like a weight getting off his shoulders.

We see he feels responsible for his sister's death (still to be seeing if he is or not), he keeps hallucinating with Mia Kirschner's ghost (whom I think is his sister) and blaming John for not having his back when he was assaulted by Robert.

We get some developments on other minor plots, like the boat case, Kevin's divorce, Robert's will and Meg's proposal/affair, but it was good to see the story finally gave us some insight on how f'd up Danny Rayburn is, what an awesome character.

Also, the drinking and dancing he does on the party is one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen on a TV show, good job Bloodline.

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