
IMDb member since March 2005
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Kevin Hart's Guide to Black History

Proud and unforgiving portrayal of real people
This should have been a series. It still should be. Kevin Hart has done an outstanding job of showing the true history of American men and women unsung in the annals of most popular history books here in an easily digestable and fun way. The fact that they happen to be black is a selling point, but honestly this stands on its own. He does such a great job telling their stories in a relatable manner it would translate into any subject, and it empowers him weaving the stories of African Americans to a high degree.

Jimi: All Is by My Side

Completely under rated
This movie is extremely enjoyable for the new comer and great for the classic rock enthusiast alike. For whatever reason, it seems to be under rated and appreciated on all sides, but it's really gold hidden in a foil wrapper pretending to be chocolate. Andre Benjamin's performance was very personable and heartfelt, and his portrayal of Jimi was incredible musically and performance wise. The story might be a bit slow for some, but if you know about Jimi and the music scene of the sixties you'll be keeping pace. If this is a unknown territory for you musically, you'll come away with a favorable interest. If you are wondering what to watch some lonely Friday night, curl up with this film and save the weekend!

F Is for Family

This animated gem is hands down hilarious. Not only because it has wry wit, but because it really captures an era and the feeling behind it. The main character is an anti-hero tossed into circumstances that he is only witness to and must deal with on every level of suffering imaginable. The way the material is handled is not only existential in the sense that it is the same pain and angst we all feel, but we can laugh in the face of it and still push on. The animation is well done, the dramatis personae are all well rounded and portrayed well within a a pace that is un-rushed and thoughtful, making the show fly by while satiating the story line.


The first two episodes are very funny, full of brilliant moments and dialogue, but truly the third episode is when you get into the show's stride. It eases you into who he is in relationship to others (which is more than just his stand up character) and sets you into place gradually, instead of immediately telling his story and letting the situation be filled in from there. It still has a traditional situation comedy theme to it, but it grows over the course of the season and starts to really play out in terms of interest and laughs.

It has great writing with some of the best social commentary and satire I have seen on TV in years. Dice has a winner with this; even if you are not a fan of his stand up and find him offensive, this show will make you laugh.


Funny, well written, brilliant performances.
Zack Galifianakis is great in this, and that being said this is the type of performance you expect of him. The subtle angst, inner dialogue and personal reflection all play to his strengths through the writing of the show.

However, if we were to sit down and talk about this years from now, the two actors that simple outshine the rest are Martha Kelly and Louie Anderson.

Martha's acting throughout the series as it stands sounds like everything is being taped before a live studio audience and she is an unwilling contestant aghast as to what to say. It is so artificial that it becomes -real- again. Stunningly so.

Louie, however, is AMAZING. His role as a maternal figure is so spot on and well thought out it is truly hard to tell where he ends and it begins. If I did not know who he was I would swear that he -is- his character. This is going to be a role that other actors will study to learn from, it is just that good.

On top of it all is the writing. It addresses issues on the sly, filling in the ups and downs of life with quirks of a character truly lost in his choices of life. This type of feeling, the one gets from this show, only comes from people who have been there; after college, stuck in a job to make ends meet, setting out and failing without truly realizing it.

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