Reviews (10)

  • Whoever wrote this pile of garbage needs to go back to Comprehensive School and complete her CSEs. How on earth could such established actors could allow themselves to be dragged in to such an implausible plot, banal script and amateur dramatics direction. There were more holes in the plot than in Blackburn, Lancashire. The " clever twists" were not clever and were ridiculously predictable. Most importantly, how could Channel 5 be stupid enough to present it? I can only assume that the scriptwriter was the author's mother who is married to the commissioning editor. If it's so easy to get on screen I'm going to submit all my novels.
  • Despite the scathing reviews from the mainstream media, I trusted my instincts and stuck it out for the entire six sets. Yes, there were quite a few unforced errors in the plot and more than a couple of double faults in the editing. Ella Lily Hyland, however was absolutely amazing. She literally smashed it out of the court. Vulnerable and venomous, victim and aggressor, her voice, movement and expression were captivating. Such was her presence, I felt that I had truly known this almost unknown actress for years.

    The plot was predictable but worthy. Other acting was less so. One can understand how Aidan Turner became more famous for his torso than his acting ability. Other members of the cast were more caricatures than characters.
  • Not sure that such a serious situation for the government and his family should be treated so lightly. To be fair, I've only seen the first part of the first episode but it already seems that the husband and wife team of McFadden and Hawes are playing for laughs in a Whitehall Farce. More substance and gravitas may emerge but it's really going to be difficult to take these characters, or perhaps I should say, caricatures, seriously.

    On the plus side, it is rather refreshing to see the ITV station ridiculing the Labour movement rather than the usual BBC barrage against the Conservatives.

    Lighthearted humbug.
  • Seldom have I seen such a contrived plot, leaden script and wooden acting. It has the feel of a pilot for yet another formulaic crime series. It feels like an inverted " Death In Paradise " where the quirky Caribbean detective comes to Britain to teach the inept Scots how to do their jobs. The characters are as unbelievable as they are predictable. The conflicts between the characters are straight out of the DIY, Distance Learning writing manual : lesson one.

    This is clearly a low budget affair but to its credit, it has given employment opportunities to a mix of apprentice actors. No second series PLEASE!
  • Repetitive and ridiculous in equal,measure. No discernible plot. Muddled direction and devoid of direction. Unconvincing characterisation. Even inTenerife, the armed police would have been there in minutes. I could write more but this nonsense doesn't warrant the effort. Oh dear, I have to write more to meet the minimum review criteria. I'm off to make a cup of tea now. Then I will switch over and watch a documentary about fish. This review may seem meaningless but believe me, it is far more compelling than this over hyped nonsense. Rubbish. Absolute trash. There aren't even pretty landscapes of the island.
  • I admire Maggie Gyllenhall as an actor but so much praise is way over the top for her writing and directing debut. The author takes the credit for the story and Maggie dragged it laboriously to the screen. The psychology was entirely predictable and the metaphors weren't even vague.y cloaked. I stuck with it but only with the help of the fast forward button.
  • Possibly the most irritating series I have seen this year and I doubt I shall watch a more frustrating one. The deep,and meaningful stuff was just shallow and meaningless. It was all so very obvious.
  • Another quality Harlen Coben novel undermined by ludicrous scriptwriting, amateur production and clumsy editing. Maybe his complex plots just don't adapt well to dramatisation but this production is badly flawed. Or maybe the book just wasn't as good as I remembered it to be. I guess I will have to read it again to decide.
  • Despite the ridiculous premise of an accused murderer being able to relate his whole life story in court, I stuck it out until episode three. I baled out when it turned into just more cliched, predictably preposterous black gang garbage.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The outcome was obvious from episode one. An organic community hopes to spawn a new Aryan race. There were simply too many bizarre plot flaws to lend the series any credibility and it appears that even the producers gave up on the series by failing to give the series an ending.