
IMDb member since February 2014
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    10 years


Colin in Black and White

Thanks for creating this. I did not know much about Mr Kaepernick until the knee. I admire his bravery and commitment. I honor him.

I loved this series. So well told. White supremacy is the air we breathe. We white folks need to get this.

Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi

Food, Culture, History
I love this show. I was drawn at first because it is about food and cooking. I stayed because it is so much more!

Each episode is thoughtful and informative. I love how when ingredients are shown, they are in English and whatever language the food is from. Chinese, Persian, Hindi, Navajo, etc.

Ms. Lakshmi dives deep and asks the hard questions.

Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham

Where are the kilts?
This is fun so far but I EXPECT them to wear kilts all the time.

The Butler

Overwhelmed with Emotion and Inspiration
I just finished watching "The Butler". I sobbed so much! I was so so moved. I recognize, as much as I can as a white person, my white privilege. I have had many challenges in my life, and even with that said, I am so privileged. The movie did a great job of showing each, in their own way, working towards equality. And showed the harsh challenges of not being able to be yourself (as the butler) and living a dual life. The son took another route and was willing to die for what he believed! I was so inspired. And the ending was so beautiful. It reminded me of the day when Barack Obama was elected and how moved I was and the phrase that came to me was "wallowing in hope". I felt more hopeful about this country and it's people and coming together in love instead of hate. I cried too as I saw African Americans cry on TV with the election of an African American president. I cannot begin to really explain how I feel but I am overwhelmed with emotion. I read on that site, IMDb the many reviews of this fine movie and how negative they were. I was shocked! I have heard many white people say that racism is not alive anymore but I know this is not true. The reviews confirmed my belief. I have worked for years putting on diversity conferences, workshops, etc. But then I stopped being in the workforce and also got frustrated since every conference and workshop was preaching to the choir of attendees. And the ones who were forced to attend, did not get it and were not open........I gave up out of frustration. But as a white person, I could do that and live in my privileged life. All I know to do now is to speak up against racism, and send the LOVE to ALL!!!!

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