
IMDb member since March 2005
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    19 years


One Got Fat

This One Went Badly Off the Rails...
...and we're the luckier for it.

First of all, though, I can't help wondering how the state of Georgia could have thought this was a good idea (a Department of Education logo is proudly displayed at the beginning).

"One Got Fat" is definitely not for everybody. The short can be viewed on so many different levels, ranging from absurdist to alarmist (and all points in between). This thing is a bipolar surrealist's fantasy/dream/nightmare. The monkey face-masks alone, capable of expressing everything from laughter to stark, naked horror are about as cool as anything I've seen in a very long time. The "wipe-outs" are all horrifically comical.

That said, I can't help feeling that some well-intentioned people somehow detoured down a very dark, twisted ill-advised road. The happy-happy music, alongside Edward Everett Horton's always charming delivery, is in stark contrast to the harshest of realities.

Or something like that.

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