
IMDb member since February 2014
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Thank you
This movie did everything a Halloween fan could ask for. We got the Michael we wanted and deserved. Perhaps coolest of all, we got an amazing movie that managed to be its own but to give us hardcore fans about a dozen winks throughout eluding to previous Halloweens (even the criminally underrated 4th and 5th). It was smooth in that it was so subtle. The newbies were oblivious. The only thing missing was throwing in a reference to the Rob Zombie films. Maybe a white Zombie song coming on the radio and a character immediately changing the station :)

The Haunting of Sharon Tate

Consider this..
Sharon Tate, to my younger generation, is a footnote to her own murder. Sharon Tate: Hollywood's starlet..Charles Manson's victim...Roman Polanski's wife. Sadly, to us 20 somethings, she is a faceless victim. A famous actress murdered by what would go on to become the infamous Manson cult. How surreal that must have been. This movie doesn't make light of her death. She isnt portrayed as crazy. The film simple uses her own words of eerie premonitions of a premature death, to create a means for a story. This movie creates an alternate reality that gives Sharon the power to rewrite her fate. In the end, however, there is no alternate reality. There is no escaping the inescapable. This movie was tragically beautiful.


IMDb should do something about these fake reviews
I saw an ad for this movie on a horror site. Came to IMDb and saw that it had a 6.5 rating on here. Reviews say how amazing it is. I watched it. It was awful. I assumed I was just trolled by fake reviews. I was. If you look at the positive member reviews, click on the name of the person who posted it. This is the one and only movie those "members" ever reviewed. Didn't even attempt to cover their tracks by throwing in some other random reviews. Nope, just the one.

The people behind this movie are trolls and their movie is awful. In fairness, it's my own fault for not doing making sure the reviews were legit. Lesson learned.


Really good. No clue why the rating is so low
I love any and all things horror and found footage stuff is always worth a look for me. Since this was free to watch (look around), I figured I would do one of those 10 minute run throughs. Watch the first scene, fast forward looking for good parts, back up if I hit one, and then watch the ending. I ended up watching the whole damn thing. Quite liked it. It's no Grave Encounters, but it's worth a watch for sure. 9 times out of 10, if the IMDb reviews suck..they're usually spot on. Completely disagree here. Some of the bad reviews seem to be from people who don't even like found footage in the first place. Not sure why they posted here. I'd definitely recommend it though. Good stuff. Rate it 8/10 on a horror movie scale.


Really good first half, train wreck last half
Unique idea. Starts out really good. Tons of potential. I had it at about an 8 or so until about halfway through when things just got ridiculous. It went from smart and interesting to completely absurd..and corny..You know those movies where the good guy will shoot someone or do something cool and make some witty reference that makes you cringe? That happens about 10 times in the last half. It's almost like the intelligent director handed off the script to his brain-dead little brother and told him to finish it. I will say though, if you like the whole mental hospital setting in horror movies, give it a go. As I said, the first half is really good and if your opinion on the other half is different than'll really enjoy it. First half 8 Last half 3 5.5, give it a 6


Damn good, judge for yourself
This is the type of movie that you can easily decide whether or not it is worth your time. The plot says it all. Stuck in a sauna..why are they stuck and what will happen to the people? Nothing more, nothing less.

If this plot sounds cool to you (which it did to me as a fan of Open Water, Buried, Frozen, etc), then you will enjoy the movie. Period. Good acting, likable characters, etc.

If a movie can leave a lasting impression on me, it worked. I will always be reminded of this movie any time I see or go into a sauna. Not that I frequent saunas, but you get the idea. This doesn't mean it was a great movie. It wasn't. But it was definitely above average. Scout Taylor Compton is a legit face in horror now so I enjoyed seeing her. I give it an 7/10 (horror movie scale) but I'm bumping it to an 8 just to offset some negative reviews.

Dead of the Nite

Fair Review, ignore the negative reviews
I'm glad I didn't check the ratings on here before deciding to watch this. 2.7/10 and a few terrible reviews. Geez. The only movies I really ever watch are horror. Seen hundreds and hundreds. I know a piece of trash when I see it. This isn't trash and is far from a 2.7. 20k budget? Would have had no idea by watching it. The plot in itself is awesome. Ghost hunt that doesn't involve a ghost but instead a killer on the inside. Pretty cool idea. A legit company and a decent budget could make a hell of a movie off that premise.

Bottom line- It is certainly no GRAVE ENCOUNTERS or SESSION 9. It isn't even in the same stratosphere. However......if you dig that sort of movie then you MIGHT really enjoy this. I'd give it a 5, but I'll toss it a 6 just to somewhat offset the crazy low rating.

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