
IMDb member since February 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years



WTF did I just see!!!??!?!?!??
First after seeing the movie I went to see the ratings and reviews in IMDb, and guess what there was more twist in the plot of me finding the reviews were totally opposite from what I expected than the movie itself. I thought people were sarcastic, I mean I am 18 but I appreciate minimalistic oriented movies but this was just something else, I mean the whole movie is set inside a car and you can just see Tom Hardy, every minute I was thinking that now something is going to happen but the whole movie was a big climatic time-waster, I cannot believe the reviews. I expected so much more than this one-dimension movie, plus Tom Hardy is one of my favorite actors. I can recount the whole movie in a few words that is how short the plot was. I mean I may not see what others do see in this movie but I am not that dumb that this movie can be such an awe for people.


Give it a try...
Lets be clear guys if you want a good laugh you should watch the show.. It does not have a plot or storyline but its good comedy.. Mainly because of Chris D'Elia he will do something completely random and stupid which will make you laugh like crazy.. As for the rest of the cast I might say I was not really impressed as most of the time it looks like Chris saves the day but nonetheless they are quite good you might see their inexperience if you are a fan of Comedy TV Shows as it looks too scripted. One big recommendation just watch this show to see Chris D'Elia who will not fail to impress you if you are not much of a fan of Him. All in all I appreciate the show now everyone has their tastes.. I like the comedy in here sometimes it looks like they try to hard but as always Chris is there to save the day. I really have become a big fan of his, give it a try!

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