
IMDb member since February 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


Ape vs. Monster

How do I put 0 start on this epic disaster?!
I recently had the misfortune of watching this truly and remarkably terrible movie. From start to finish, it was a mess of poorly written dialogue, wooden acting, and a plot that made no sense. The special effects were downright embarrassing, and the whole thing was a complete waste of time. He acting was downright awful, with every single actor phoning it in and delivering wooden, lifeless performances.

I would give this movie a well-deserved 0 star rating and would not recommend it to even my worst enemy. Do yourself a favor and avoid this cinematic disaster at all costs. This movie is an abomination.

Hiyama Kentarô no ninshin

Wake up.
And stop wondering why Netflix lost 60B market cap in a day. I'm not at all against anything anyone make. Everyone has the right to express. So do I. Since I can't express my thoughts now a days, I'll just express with my wallet. Just like millions other did.

Get the message.

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