
IMDb member since February 2014
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    10 years


Mokushiroku no Yon-kishi

Meh... average at best
Not as good as the original. Went into it excited but fully knowing it is set 16 years afterwards & the focus is on different characters.. alas it really isn't comparable. Currently on episode 8 of season 1 & all i can say is it is ok but that is about all. Everything seems... different. If it weren't for the original i'd probably not bother watching it. Who knows, perhaps it may pick up & i'll edit this review accordingly, but for now, fans of the original series will prob want to watch it - for everyone else - there's better out there.

Now for some random text due to the character count needed for reviews. ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VWX YZ.


I can find no fault with this series at all. Impeccable & flawless. It really is superb throughout. Music, scenery, acting, cast, credit scenes, story... 10/10.


Really really good.
I am not an Italian speaker, i've watched the series with subtitles as i don't like dubbed versions & i have to say this show is easily in my top 5 of all time. Binge watching several episodes at a time and almost have season 3 finished. Absolutely love it & can never get the to the next episode quick enough. Seriously give this show a go you will not regret it.


Loved it, watched the whole of season 1 in a single sitting & leaves you wanting more for sure. Give it a go you will not be disappointed. I'm an English speaker so read the subs as it went along but don't let that put you off.


Good fun
Don't expect a procedural drama, it's good fun & fast paced. Solid 7/10 entertainment value. Hope there's a season 3.


Twists & Turns
Love it, cant wait for Season 3. I like the way they're mixing up history, various lores & religion (not necessarily accurate ofcourse), it's very good fun, entertaining, funny at times & keeps you interested. Took me a couple of episodes to really get into it but i'm glad i stuck with it.


Fun, enjoyable albeit cliched show with a gritty Sheriff
I like it, harmless fun & you're rooting for the Sheriff (most of the time). Watched 5 episodes to date & it's getting better. As some have mentioned the influences of PC & Woke - it doesn't bother me, i see & understand what other reviewers have said and yes it's obvious but why does that detract you from enjoying the overall show. The show is reflecting society as it is, not as some would like it to be (rightly or wrongly). Everyone's entitles to their opinions so give it a go & make your own mind up, i'll keep watching as it's better than alot of rubbish out there.

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