
IMDb member since February 2014
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JDM fans will want to watch this to prepare for TWD!
This was a surprisingly good movie! Unlike other reviewers, I did not see the "politics" in the movie at all. The fact that the gunman was killing illegals was just part of the story line. The same guy could have been killing sorority girls and not Hispanics, and the plot would have been: serial killer attacks sorority girls. It is basically the same plot and story line of any "slasher movie"--only in this one, JDM uses .300 WinMag and not a butcher knife.

I thought the movie was well acted by Jeffery Dean Morgan and Gael Garcia as the protagonists. The dialogue was insipid at times, but the overall tension created by Morgan's character and more so, by Tracker, his dog, was excellent.

If you want to get ready for Negan in The Walking Dead (also played by Jeffery Dean) then I recommend you watch Desirio as a warm-up.

Star Trek: Renegades

Terrible, embarrassing and not worthy of the name Star Trek
I will watch most anything related to Star Trek, so yes I'm a fan. However, this movie should never have been made. Why?

First, Acting: Of the entire cast, only Tim Russ seemed to realize he was acting and delivered his usual Tuvok performance. The other actors? Imagine a group of high school students practicing their lines in an empty hallway before the start of theater class . . . and there you have it. Think, wooden, emotionless, lines/humor that fall completely flat, no connection between the characters, etc. Walter Koenig and Corin Nemic were particularly bad, considering their potential. The main character, Adrienne Wilkinson? She has the look of a meth head stripper. I sure hope the actors donated their time (certainly wasn't their talent) because if they were paid, someone got ripped off.

Second, CGI: On the whole, the CGI was amateurish at best. I've seen better effects in other fan fiction movies of the Star Trek canon. During a couple of the scenes, I laughed out loud!

Third, Musical Score: There was a total disconnection between the score and what was happening on screen. Music should add to the experience of watching a movie--either in a subtle fashion or overt. The musical score of this movie was nothing but a distraction, as in, "Why are they playing that now?"

Net: This movie had potential, With improved CGI and music, and above all, acting, this could have been the start of something worth watching. As it stands now, it is a total waste of 88 minutes. As a contrast, watch James Cawley's Star Trek-New Voyages, and you can get a sense of what fan-funded Star Trek movies can be.

Katherine of Alexandria

Incomprehensible faux period piece
I have to admit that I am in total agreement with "Had Enough" and his review. This movie is virtually incomprehensible and that's a shame, because the legend of Catherine of Alexandria could have been the basis of a terrific film. Needless to say, this was not a terrific film. There was about as much historical accuracy in this film as there was in Walt Disney and Fess Parker telling the tale of Daniel Boone.

Nicole Keniheart's (as Katherine) performance was the only redeeming quality in this otherwise convoluted mess.

Peter O'Toole seems to have called in his lines (or maybe it was just a CGI rerun of his performance in Troy). This is also a shame as it was Mr. O'Toole's last performance--he died shortly before the film was released.

If you choose to watch this film, drink lots of coffee so as to stay alert, and pay very close attention. The slightest inattention and you will lose the plot, characters, events, and probably your reason for watching this movie, forever.

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