Reviews (2)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie...was interesting.

    For the latter half of the movie, Everett was basically drooling after Meredith's sister. There's something I don't like about that. You're flirting and basically saying you like her, and yet you haven't broken up with your actual girlfriend. Really smart.

    When she Meredith, Everett just goes out to have some coffee with the sister. Okay, your girlfriend just ran out and your going to go get some damned coffee? Funny how someone (Ben) who has only known Meredith for barely a week runs after her.

    But her damned 'boyfriend' just wants coffee? Even after all the chaos, Everett is still chasing after the damned sister. "Oh no, I don't want you to leave!" speech was hilarious. You barely know a damned thing about her, and you act like you want to make out with her.

    Then again, the Ben/Meredith relationship was almost like that. But people do have a habit of running into other relationship when the first one fails.

    Am I the only one that thinks Everett just wanted to get into the girl's pants?

    I'm sorry, but Everett came off as asshole to me. You bring your girlfriend to meet your family on Christmas, and you end up chasing after her sister? Yeah. That was basically what happen to this movie.

    Now I'm off to bleach my brain of this tragic loss of innocence.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Secret Cutting, also known as Painful Secrets, deals with a girl (Dawn) who self-injurers to cope. I'm a 'cutter' who is currently trying to stop, and I had this movie taped on my computer for awhile now.

    The beginning was okay--you met Dawn, and you learned that she liked wolves and was an artist. She had no friends, and she was being bullied by the 'popular' girls. She almost fit into what professional expect cutters to be--over-achieving, artistic, loners with no friends.

    The first time we see her cut is in the school's boiler room. She has a mini-orgasm, which was an exeration. I don't have orgasms when I cut myself--and if I did I'd do it more. More people would probably.

    She later meets a girl, who is a stoner. I don't know her name so I'll call her S-girl. S-girl is in therapy because the movie hinted at her father committing suicide by hanging himself.

    In the beginning of the movie her parents find out--and her Mom starts to ramble on and on about her childhood. The Mother goes to lengths to make her stop cutting--strip downs, and hiding all of the sharp objects. Heck, she can't even have a knife at the dinner table.

    There's her Father--a distant man who puts all of his time into work. Her younger brother acts uncaring and ignorant through the whole thing--even telling his own sister to kill herself.

    What bothered me is that during the first hospital scene they would of probably committed her, or at least bring her to the Hospital's Therapist. The second time they just let her say for a free days, and when she goes home her Father goes back to work. Her Mother--she left. Go figure.