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How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)

It's a lie
The first episode starts with the main character creating a narrative that this is a true story. Well, it's not. It's very loosely based on trut events.

The show is deceptive to create the illusion that it's better than it is. When a story is based on true events, it adds some flavor. It might not be perfect and not all the plots get the best resolutions, but it's shouldn't because it's like life is complex.

But the show tries so hard to create this narrative that it's a true story.

Without that, the story is not worth any of your time. True life stories are things you can learn something from. While created stories are a mirror of its writers.

The further into the story you are, the more you see how karma doesn't exist, and the main character, even doing the worst stuff and being the biggest piece of crap, still wins, with no consequences.

The antagonist, which just is a good looking guy need to take the harshest punishment, just because he is pretty and the main character hates him? What is this, a kindergarten drama?

The cinematography is great, the actors are great. Sometimes there were scenes where the audio wasn't what the character's lips were saying.

The store is a 1/10. Top tier bait and switch garbage.

Leave the World Behind

Sam Esmail doesn't know how to write endings
Same as Mr. Robot, the journey was fun but the ending lets you empty and question what was it for.

The camera work was great, and I liked the horror with the ordinary things but the while plot has so many holes.

Also, how can anyone put a "you cannot trust white people" in a movie and not get cancelled??? This is pure racism. It was also so out of no where when the white people didn't do anything but even if they aren't a representation for everyone. If they said this about black people it would be banned.

The more the movie went the worse it got. From a solid 8 to this. It's just a sequence of random interesting ideas but no global reason. I was shocked to see it have such a low score now I'm wondering how is it so hight?

Based on a True Story

The random fakeouts ruined the series
Whenever something shocking happened, I was expecting it to be a dream or hallucination. That trope is awful and there were 4 of them in the same episode!! Then they did few per episode. It's even worse because people do get killed in this show and now you just need to question each one because the writers wanted to add a shock moment or a sex scene.

Otherwise the series was fun but it also ended on a cliffhanger. I want to love to show, there was potential but it got ruined in many places.

Some story lines got nowhere.

The casting was great. Kaley is finally no Penny anymore. Nathan Bartlett and her got great chemistry. Matt Pierce is god tier acting. I'm gonna watch more of his stuff.


Wow what a plot twist ending
Loved the movie. It feels very personal.

The references were very nice. Had to laugh out loud to the schitt's creek one. The fetish montages were on point.

The story felts like it was part of Billy's life, while at the same time didn't feel like wish fullfilment.

The ending was very different from how usually gay movies end and I loved that.

I don't agree with the other reviews. There are far more stereotypical LGBT movies out there that are about gays that do drugs, party and then die. You can't call story written by a gay man stereotypical. It was Billy's life the way it was, not for you to judge.

The Bob's Burgers Movie

Worst parts of the series The Movie
I skip all music and imaginary scenes in the show. The music is awful (none of the characters can sing). The random scenes add nothing to the story.

They made the movie be half of that. Not to mention the most obvious villain of all time. And fart jokes...

The show was good because of the goofy characters and drama. This has the worst of it.

The 3D animation with the shadows adds a creepy dimension.

Twin Peaks

This was very boring. FBI agent gets clues from dreams? They are listening to a log for info? Half of characters are literally crazy. Very slow, nothing happens. Most overrated series on IMDB. The only thing I liked were Cooper and Truman, they look like a couple.

Emily in Paris

Season 2 was bad
While season 1 had it's nuances and interesting moment, season 2 is just your average love-hate relationship. (I want you you don't want me and then reverse). No plot only drama between the characters which is very nothing special.

The singer's subplot was so generic it's forgettable.

The Ukrainian they used for no reason just to make fun of here was very disrespectful. The scene was not funny no matter what nationality would be used here unless the screen write just hates Ukrainians.

The characters had no integrity by the end of it. Camille broke her promise. Gabriel moved it with he just at the perfect moment the plot wanted them to. Emily's coworkers now like her.

The only reason this was watchable was Lucien Laviscount.

I won't watch another season of this mess.

Strappare lungo i bordi

Oldschool cool, Inside the mind of a INTP.
Nice animation, millennial references, lots of personality, self-aware humor, great English dub.

Animation is very distinct, with a bit of anime influence.

Great references to internet, anime, millennial culture.

Interesting to view the world of a INTP. Lost of overthinking, hard time dealing with people and the environment. Felt very personal.

Damn, episode 4 was too relatable. Oh no , what is happening at the end of episode 5!!!!

I was not saw this coming... No one was crying at the last episode in show, but I was.

I'm speechless. The story was build so well. It seems to be a real experience. The author processed it and grew up.

That tape recording at the end just broke me. This show is a masterpiece.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Hero or Hate Crime?
Episode 6, Season 12

The only American series that got racism right
I always felt that "c*cksucer" is very unjustified while the N work was a no-no. First time ever a american series understands that racism is about making someone worse, not exclusive to a skin tone.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Losses but wins hearts
Haven't seen such a well written plot in movies for far too long. Every plot point was justified. The comedy has been woven over with heartwarming drama. The ending song left me speechless. So much heart!

Schitt$ Creek

Good till season 4
Once season 5 starts, we can see how bad it is when the actor writes his own plot. This series transformed into "Daniel Levy" fantasy land. All other characters grow, have changes, but he doesn't. He has a very weird relationship that one day his boyfriend doesn't want to move in together, to few week later a marriage proposal. David's character is like a worst Alexis, where at least she looks and acts like someone with a big dating history. And the whole show becomes "David and Patrick's Creek". Whenever something from David's past came up, it was just not something the character we saw for seasons now, would have done.

I'm gay, and I found their story line boring, predictable and unrealistic.

The pansexual theme was just a gimmick, that was never looked back again. The whole Steve and David lover plot line was extremely cringy.

Happy Roland became a better person. He was very dumb and cruel season 1. His wife is one of the best characters.

Ted was clearly planned to be there only for some time, and Mutt would take the lean love interest role, but seems he wasn't that interested, so they had to scrap back the Ted story line. It was okish, but it's noticeable.

The Social Dilemma

Neflix does the same things
It shows you a poster of a minor character that would peak your interest, depending on your race or orientation. It shows the same shows on top to annoy you into watching a specific show, while you have to manually find other.

And all of that while it's being a paid service.

The Politician

David Corenswet is the only good thing about this series
Don't get fooled by David Corenswet's good looks. He's in the series for only few episodes, and that the only time the show is good.

The plot sets some points that it takes serious at the start, and then doesn't care about them at all. Characters have no personality or agenda. It's just a mess with a nice intro and good shots.


A collection of jokes with no connection
The good: Handsome actors, nice camera work, great visuals. The bad: the character tell random jokes, having nothing to do with their personality. Why would a old Italian man do a joke about Big Little Lies?

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