
IMDb member since April 2005
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    19 years


Star Trek: Picard

Best Star Trek, well if not ever, than I forgot which one I enjoyed more...
I've always been a fan of sci-fi/fantasy genre, so naturally I always loved to watch Star Trek, although they sometimes felt more of an soap opera, than a sci-fi series. Judging by looking the first 3 episodes, this is very exciting/dynamic/entertaining show and I can't wait for another episode to be released. Star Trek never meant to be mind boggling, so don't look for that spice here, but if you're looking for an epic space adventure, you're in the wright place.


The most pretentious film I've ever seen!
The most pretentious film I've ever seen!

Please STOP READING! All I wanted to write I already wrote in the summary. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!! I REPEAT DO NOT... OK, if you're professionally interested in storytelling, particularly on how to blow smoke then here you are - A GREAT PIECE OF EXAMPLE!!! I'm sure many will find various "deep" and "hidden" meanings in this piece of ****, but I assure you there is NONE!

First Ascent

There's more in this film than climbing!
Beautiful movie about beautiful sport and beautiful people. It didn't make me wanna climb, but it did make me connect to climbing and most of all made me understand what's in those people heads and what drives them. Really awesome! I'd like to compare this film with it's main protagonist Didier Berthod. They both communicate so much in such a simple form. True masterpiece. From technical side it's intentionally made to look amateur, so it draws you more into it and also adds to that free climbing born to be wild state of mind, but if you think about it just for a second you're aware that there's unbelievable lot's of work and dedication into this movie.

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